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Stratagem Publications

Games and magazine publisher. Former publisher of Wargames Illustrated.

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1-60 of 482 Products

#361 "The Cavalry, Odds Bodkins!, Maximillian 1934"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI361

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #351 - #400

MSRP $8.95

#401 "Converting With Ultracast, L'Art De La Guerre"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI401

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #401 - #450

MSRP $8.95

(no figure)
(no figure)

#442 "Travels Through Tollingchester, Bolt Action" w/Valor & Fortitude Army Sheets

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI442

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #401 - #450

MSRP $9.50

#267 "The First Crusade, Islamic Armies, The Siege of Jerusalem"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI267

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.00

#270 "Vikings in Ireland, The Etruscans, The Covenanter Army"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI270

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.00

#280 "Sudan 1881-1885, The Tribes of Germania, Mapping Out the Peninsular War"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI280

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.50

#368 "Renaissance Rampant, MDF Terrain, War of the Three Kings"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI368

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #351 - #400

MSRP $8.95

#403 "French Line Infantry, Vive La France, Painting Matilda"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI403

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #401 - #450

MSRP $8.95

(no figure)

#440 "V for Victory, Hail Caesar Epic Battles, Building Bag End"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI440

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #401 - #450

MSRP $9.50

#441 "My Kingdom for a Horse, Bolt Action Third Edition"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI441

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #401 - #450

MSRP $9.50

#197 "WWII Eastern Front Scenarios, 54mm Gaming"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $7.25

#266 "Flames of War - In the Ia Drang Valley, AWI Tactics, Lasalle"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI266

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.00

#272 "Europe in Turmoil, The Devil's Brigade, The Battle of Leipzig, Free Osprey Book!"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI272

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.00

#273 "Capitana, US Sharpshooters, Chattanooga"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI273

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.00


#282 "Search and Destroy, Battle of Camden 1780, Boudica's Last Battle, Free Flames of War Book"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI282

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

includes free Intelligence Handbook Tropic Lightning

MSRP $8.50

(no insert)
(no insert)

#295 "A Crimean War Primer, Maurice, Eastern Front Panzers"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI295

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.50

#313 "The Franco-Prusian War, Historicon, Painting Competition Winners"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI313

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP $8.50

#331 "The Battle Waterloo 1815, Men With Green Faces, Lion Rampant, Dissecting Blucher"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI331

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP $8.50

#344 "First Coalition War, Project Z, Salute 2016"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI344

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP $11.95

#352 "Elite Units, The Waffen SS in Bolt Action"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI352

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #351 - #400

MSRP $8.95

#353 "El Alamein, Amazon, Godslayer"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI353

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #351 - #400

MSRP $8.95

#388 "Wargaming With War-Weary Warriors, Pirates on the Black Seas"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI388

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #351 - #400

MSRP $8.95

#392 "Strategy & Command, Victory At Sea, Frostgrave 2"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #351 - #400

MSRP $8.95

(no manual)
(no manual)

#395 "Free Miniatures, Amphibious Assaults Throughout History, British Invasion of Egypt, Billhooks Defences"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI395

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #351 - #400

MSRP $8.95

(no inserts)
(no inserts)

#438 "Ruckus Campaigns, Dramatic OSL, Hitting the Beaches"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WLGWI438

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #401 - #450

MSRP $9.50

#113 "AWR Scenario, Zulu War Rules"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #101 - #150

MSRP $5.75

#12 "Zulu War Rules, Scenarios for Vietnam, ACW and Crimean Wars"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #01 - #50

#127 "Thirty Years War Rules, Peninsular War Scenario, Seventeenth Century Officers' Uniforms"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #101 - #150

MSRP $5.75

#13 "Spanish Civil War Rules, WWII Russian Front"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #01 - #50

#130 "Long Range Desert Group Rules, Dr Who Versus the Daleks rules, Modern Africa Campaign System"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #101 - #150

#146 "Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars, King Arthur, Making Adobe Buildings"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #101 - #150

MSRP $5.75

#163 "Chariot Warfare Rules, El Cid Warhammer Lists, Arthurian Campaign System"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #151 - #200

#175 "WWII Western Desert Rules, Big Gun Era Naval Rules"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $7.25

#202 "Gaming with 1914 Armies, American Revolution Skirmish Scenario, 1920's China Siege"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

#204 "DBR Scenario - The Relief of Vienna, La Bataille de Belle-Alliance, WAB - Armies of Chivalry Battle"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $7.25

#205 "Aztec Warfare Rules, Warhammer ACW"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $7.25

#209 "Scheiise! Said the Speiss, Storm of Steel, A Comedy of Errors"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $7.25

#220 "Indian Tribes of the Eastern Woodlands, Quick Play Ancient Naval Rules"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

#222 "Warhammer Ancient Battle Scenario, Lanterna - Renaissance Naval Rules"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WARWIS222

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $8.00

#228 "Seven Years War, French Indo-China War Scenario"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $8.00

#235 "Trench Raiding! - WWI Game, Gangster Scenarios & Campaigns"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WARWIS235

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $8.00

#238 "San Martin and The Chilean Campaign, Where the Streets Have No Name"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

#240 "Truceless War, Whistle of Bullets, Constructing a Gun Position"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

#242 "Fix Bayonets Part 2 - ACW Rules, WAB Army Lists for the Thirty Years War"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: WARWIS242

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $8.00

#256 "Battle of Jarama 1937, Reveries Upon the Art of War, Typing Chair Reconnaissance"

By: Stratagem Publications

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

#263 "The Desert War, 2009 Historicon"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI263

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.00

#264 "Battle of Loos Scenarios, Making a Zeppelin Hangar, Recon in Flames of War"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI264

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.00

#268 "Vietnam Buildings, Flames of War Campaign"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI268

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.00

#279 "D-Day - The Allied Invasion of France, Eight Armies in Normandy, Lepkowski's Prison Break"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI279

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.50

#281 "Artillery Through the Ages, The Brave at Mokra, Imperial Long Shots"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI281

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.50

#284 "Gustavus Adolphus, Hell at Cassino, Thirty Years War Figures"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI284

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.50


#287 "The Halls of Montezuma, A Narrow Victory, Seven Days to Save Richmond"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI287

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.50

#289 "Ambush at Amphipolis, Great Warriors - The Spartans, Bull Run to Gettysburg"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI289

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $8.50

#296 "Napoleon's Swiss Troops, Hellcats on the Prowl, Of Armies and Myth"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI296

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $9.00

#300 "25th Anniversary Bumper Issue, Last Stands, Against the Odds"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI300

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

#310 "The Huns, The Battle of Chalons, Incident at Lake Khasan"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI310

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP $8.50

#321 "Pulp Adventures, Ludendorff Bridge, The Fog of War, Wargaming Cocktails"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI321

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP $8.50

#322 "Saga Crescent & Cross, Mons 1914, Salute Painting 2014, A Polish Army"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI322

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP $8.50

#333 "Alexander the Great, Frostgrave, Lacepunk"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI333

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP $8.50

#334 "Death From Above, Salute 2015, Flames of War - Great War"

By: Stratagem Publications

Stock #: BFMWI334

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP $8.50