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#442 "Travels Through Tollingchester, Bolt Action" w/Valor & Fortitude Army Sheets

By: Stratagem Publications

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #401 - #450

MSRP old price: $9.50

Product Info

#442 "Travels Through Tollingchester, Bolt Action" w/Valor & Fortitude Army Sheets
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Valour & Fortitude was first given away free with the October 2022 issue of Wargames Illustrated. We followed that up in October 2023 with the second edition of V&F – free with Wi430. So, it would make sense to follow up again in October 2024 with the third edition… only we don’t need to.

The second edition of Jervis Johnson and the Perry’s rules is as close to ‘spot on’ as they can get it, so there is no need for a third edition (famous last words); instead we bring you the Valour & Fortitude Army Sheet Compendium, which contains Army Sheets/stats for the American Civil War, the Franco-Prussian War, and the First Carlist War.

It is possible to expand the scope of V&F by ‘simply’ adding Army Sheets for different periods and conflicts, and over the last year Jervis has been doing just that for those mentioned above, plus the American War of Independence and the War of the Triple Alliance. All (bar one) of these additional Army Sheets are available for free download from the Perry Miniatures website, but we wanted to treat existing and potential V&F players to a printed Compendium of some of those most desirable sheets. There’s also a brand new and exclusive set, in the form of those for the First Carlist War. You will also find fan produced Army Sheets for the Indian Rebellion/Munity on page 42.

Beyond our Valour & Fortitude coverage, we have plenty more to wet your wargaming whistle inside this issue, including painting horses, prohibition gangsters, gaming and modelling with full-colour MDF buildings, Billhooks in Poland, fan analysis of Bolt Action Third Edition, and more.

Happy reading and rolling.

Dan Faulconbridge

  • OBSERVATION POST - We review multi-period wargaming rules from BelloLudi, Sengoku battles from Caliver, Wars of the Roses metals from Athena Miniatures, and an apocalyptic Starter Set from Modiphius.
  • RELEASE RADAR - Dom Sore’s here to tempt you with new and upcoming hobby releases.
  • QUICK FIRE - Short, quick-read posts from Wi readers about their hobby projects, notes, news, and observations.
  • THEME: VALOUR & FORTITUDE AT BRITCON - Valour & Fortitude goes ‘live’ at Britcon 2024 with a trio of great games.
  • BOLT ACTION THIRD EDITION – EXCITING STUFF DOM SAW - Bolt Action superfan Dom Sore dives into Third Edition’s major changes, and tell us how he thinks they might impact the game.
  • PUBLIC ENEMIES – PART 2 - We continue Nick Buxey’s pictorial story of the gangsters of the 1930s and the men who were known as Public Enemy Number One.
  • THEME: THE INDIAN REBELLION IN VALOUR & FORTITUDE - Ian Cluskey and Jervis Johnson provide a handy introductory guide, and Army Sheets, for Valour & Fortitude gaming in the Indian Rebellion/Mutiny.
  • BRINGING A FANTASY CITY TO LIFE - Grey for Now Games’ Graham Davey explains the world design and rules in his new game, Guards of Traitor’s Toll.
  • BASIC BLENDING: HARD-EDGE HORSES - Matt Parkes shows a punchy but smoothlooking technique to paint horses, and shares some tips on completing caparisons and applying decals.
  • BILLHOOKS POLONIA - A new theatre for Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe by Marcin Sowa, featuring the forces of the Polish Crown against the Teutonic Order.
  • HISTORICON PAINTING COMPETITION - We showcase some of the fantastic winners from this year’s competition.
  • TRAVELS THROUGH TOLLINGCHESTER - James talks to Sarissa’s Steve Cumming about their new, full-colour, modular Tollingchester terrain range, and builds some of the set.