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#438 "Ruckus Campaigns, Dramatic OSL, Hitting the Beaches"

By: Stratagem Publications

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #401 - #450

MSRP old price: $9.50

Product Info

#438 "Ruckus Campaigns, Dramatic OSL, Hitting the Beaches"
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The Thompson submachine gun, Mosin-Nagant rifle, pikes, and chariots are the eclectic mix of instruments of war that were chosen by our contributors to feature in this month’s Weapons theme, along with an article in which we chat to game designer Jervis Johnson and sculpting twins, the Perrys, about how weapons ‘work’ in wargames rules and figure production.

Elsewhere in the magazine, we have your first magazine report on Salute 51 – Europe’s largest wargames show – held at ExCel, London in April. Operating together with our YouTube videos (see the Wi YouTube Channel) and next month’s look at the winning Painting Competition entries – we’re providing you with a complete roundup of this year’s event.

Last Month’s freebie rules – Ruckus – seem to have gone down a storm with all of you who got hold of a copy of Wi437, and author Mike Peters returns in this issue with some ideas and rules for Ruckus campaigning.

Happy reading and rolling.

Dan Faulconbridge

  • OBSERVATION POST - We've got a haul of swag from Salute in this month’s Observation Post with new plastics, pre-painted terrain, and much more.
  • RELEASE RADAR - With Dom Sore taking an extended honeymoon break Paul Mathews is back for another tour of RR duty!
  • QUICK FIRE - Samurai, the Crimea, lighting and Ragged Staff Minis all feature in this month’s eclectic quick-read posts from your fellow wargamers.
  • THEME: WEAPONS IN WARGAMES - To kick off this month’s Weapons theme we tracked down Alan and Michael Perry, and Jervis Johnson, and asked them how they handle weapons when figure-sculpting and game-designing.
  • A SCRAPHEAP CHALLENGE - Magnus Alm builds some wonderful terrain without spending money on any new kits.
  • THEME: TWO THOUSAND YEARS AND COUNTING - Bill Gray examines the amazing longevity of the pike and related polearms, presenting wargaming notes on the weapon’s swansong in late World War Two Japan.
  • HITTING THE BEACHES - With Summer around the corner, the folks behind D-Day Replayed have their minds on the Normandy Beaches and big plans to commemorate the 1944 landings in 28mm.
  • THEME: SMITING THE GOOD SMITE - For this month’s Weapons theme, regular contributor Pete Brown decided to be less than predictable, choosing to focus on a two-wheeled ‘weapon’ pulled by a team of horses: aka the Chariot.
  • SALUTE 51 SHOW REPORT - Thousands crowded London’s ExCel, for the busiest Salute they’ve ever seen, and Team Wi were on hand to document the day.
  • THEME: THE MOSIN-NAGANT RIFLE - Lisa Smedman discusses an icon rifle which was used by her grandfather in the Finish Civil War, 1918, and still sees service today.
  • PAINTING DRAMATIC OSL - Callum France creates a sense of drama by applying bold object source lighting to our Richard ‘Dick’ Winters (Band of Brothers hero) Giants in Miniature figure.
  • THEME: THE ANNIHILATOR - As part of this month’s Weapons theme, Chris Swan examines the history of the Thompson and puts it to use in a pulp game in an unusual setting.
  • RUCKUS CAMPAIGNS - Mike Peters presents full rules for connecting your Ruckus games into an ongoing Campaign, along with two new Campaign Scenarios.
  • SHIELDMAIDENS - Sébastien Clément documents the building and painting process of his Salute 2024 Painting Competition-winning unit.