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#282 "Search and Destroy, Battle of Camden 1780, Boudica's Last Battle, Free Flames of War Book"

By: Stratagem Publications

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

includes free Intelligence Handbook Tropic Lightning

MSRP old price: $8.50

Product Info

#282 "Search and Destroy, Battle of Camden 1780, Boudica's Last Battle, Free Flames of War Book"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Search and Destroy

In our introductory section you will find the following articles: Search and Destroy - Refighting Battles in Vietnam with Flames Of War, Tropic Lightning - America’s 25th Infantry Division in Vietnam, and Hanoi’s Saigon Front - Vietnamese forces in the Battle for Saigon.

Contact! Contact!

Our Vietnam theme content continues with: Contact! Contact! - A search and destroy mission in Vietnam, including a full battle report, and Other Missions in Vietnam - Using standard FOW missions for Vietnam.

Heavy Metal

Our Vietnam theme coverage for this month concludes with four more articles: Diamond Head Cobras - Tropic Lightning’s helicopter gunships in Vietnam, Tracks in Vietnam - American tanks and APCs, 1965-1971, Painting US tanks and helicopters of the Vietnam War, and Stoner vs Kalashnikov - infantry weapons in Vietnam.

Rethinking 'Saxon' Wargaming

What do you mean, shieldwall? Dr Ryan Lavelle has been studying Saxons for quite a few years, and here he presents his alternative views on some of the long-held tenets of Saxons in wargaming.

Running a Wargames Campaign. Part Two

Rick Priestley shares more of his ‘sagelike’ advice on how to run campaigns.

As Complete a Victory

The battle of Camden, 1780, showcased some radical new ideas on how to conduct a battle and proved as complete a victory as the British had during the American Revolution.

Boudica's Last Battle

Our current UK Editor and our former owner joined author Rick Priestley for a massive game of Hail Caesar, the latest rule set to roll out the door from Warlord Games.


From ancient Egypt to modern Afghanistan - treachery has been a feature of most conflicts, but how do you represent this on the tabletop? Jim Graham has some ideas.

Off to the Races

1798 is known as the Year of Liberty in Ireland - when the country rose up against the British occupiers. The French sent a small force of soldiers to aid the Irish. This article tells the tale of what became of them, and offers ideas for refighting one of the key battles, Castlebar.

Carnage and Glory II

Nigel P. Marsh pulls back the covers on his computer-aided gaming system, Carnage & Glory II, and guides us through the fictional ECW Battle of Enville Common.

PLUS we take a look at The Wargames Holiday Centre Crete, the Crusade 2011 show (UK), and you can find our Reviews online.

Included free with this issue of Wargames Illustrated is the 40-page Intelligence Handbook Tropic Lightning.