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#268 "Vietnam Buildings, Flames of War Campaign"

By: Stratagem Publications

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Wargames Illustrated Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP old price: $8.00

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Product Info

#268 "Vietnam Buildings, Flames of War Campaign"
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Operation: Market Garden
Setting the scene for this month’s theme content;
Market Garden, the largest airborne operation in history.

Frost’s Perimeter
A mini-campaign based on the new Flames of War - A
Bridge Too Far book following the story of Lieutenant
Colonel Frost’s 2nd Parachute Battalion in Arnhem.

A Bridge Too Far - Building the Arnhem Battlefield
To accompany their new A Bridge too Far book Battlefront
Miniatures needed to construct a suitably impressive table
to showcase the visual potential of the battle. In this article we discover how they went about it.

The Land Is Dead
It’s not a conflict on the well-beaten wargames trail, but Ian Knight explains why and how South Africa’s Cape Wars should be on your wargaming radar.

The Battle of Stresow
The Border Reivers Wargames Club looked to the icy Baltic Sea and the Great Northern War when they decided
to put together a great table on the 2009 show circuit. Rob Anderson gives us the lowdown on the Battle of Stresow
and the Reivers’ approach to the project.

Vorwarts, Meine Kinder
A comprehensive guide to building a late Napoleonic Prussian wargames army.

How To Make South East Asian Buildings
Inspired by the recent range of Vietnam figures from Wargames Illustrated, our regular scratch-builder Paul Davies explores some modeling possibilities.

Insider Interview: Gary Morley
Not only is he the sculptor behind the new ‘Moments in History’ figure range from WI, Gary has had an illustrious
sculpting career in the historical and fantasy hobby. We thrust a microphone in front of him and asked him to tell us
about some of the highs and lows of sculpting toy soldiers.

Moments In History
The lowdown on the new figures in our exciting, new range of vignettes.

Blam 2009 Show Report
Linking cyber-space with the real world, the Lead Adventure Forum’s event held in Twickenham, UK, was a wargames show with an interesting twist.

Fall In! Show Report
It’s one of the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society’s big shows of the year, and with camera and notebook in hand
our US editor headed off to bring you the highlights of the 2009 event held in Gettysburg.

Club Focus: The H.A.W.K.s
We pay a visit to a club night hosted by the Harford Area Weekly Kriegspielers and chat with club member John ‘Buck’Surdu about all things ‘H.A.W.K’.

28mm BOLT ACTION WW2 boxed sets from Warlord Games.
6-12mm Sci-fi range from Reiver Castings.
28mm Indian Mutiny range from Mutineer Miniatures.
Republic to Empire by Barry Hilton and The League of Augsburg.
The Cockleshell Canoes: British Military Canoes of World War Two By Quentin Rees.
Marine Corps Tank Battles in Vietnam By Oscar E. Gilbert.