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C3i Magazine (#1-27) War Game Magazines

GMT's popular periodical contains game modules and component expansion sets as well as feature articles and information about GMT games and industry news.

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1-20 of 37 Products

#2 "Hammer of God SPQR Module"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I2

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)


#3 "Malta Under Siege, From Alexander to Gustavus, Hornet Leader at Annapolis"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I3

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)


#4 w/The Great Plains SPQR Module

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I4

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(no insert(s))
(no counter sheet)
(missing one counter, remaining counters unpunched)

#6 "Eighth Air Force, Battle of Telamon for SPQR, Rise of the Luftwaffe Campaign Variant"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I6

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

MSRP $7.50

#8 "Sinai 1973, SQPR - Sword of Rome"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I8

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(missing Crisis Sinai insert)
(inserts loose but present)

#9 "Typhoon, SPQR - Sardinia Battles"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I9

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(counters clipped)

#11 "Conquest of Gaul, Rise of the Luftwaffe, Ben Hur Scenario for War Galley"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I11

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(unpunched, uncut)

#12 "Tigers in the Mist, Successors, Quinquereme for War Galley"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I12

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(no counters, other inserts present and uncut)
(unpunched, uncut)

#13 "For the People, Philip the Great"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I13

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(counters clipped, uncut)

#14 "Lonato Battles, Pyrrhus in Sicily"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I14

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(no Lonato countersheet, Wilderness War counters unpunched)

#15 "Kasserine Module, Barbarossa to Berlin, SPQR Variant"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I15

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(counters clipped)
(unpunched, uncut)
(unpunched, uncut)

#16 "Europe Engulfed Scenario, Zero & Corsairs Cards, Gringo! Map & Counters"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I16

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

MSRP $20.00

(no counters!, remaining inserts loose but present)
(unpunched, uncut)

#17 "Empire of the Sun, Downtown, Sweden Fights On"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I17

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(no Borodino or 3 Dog counters, other counters unpunched, uncut)
(no 3 Dog counters, other counters unpunched, uncut)

#18 "Downtown - Dragon's Jaw Expansion, Twilight Struggle, Ancients"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: CMTC3I18

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(unpunched, uncut)
(unpunched, uncut)

#20 w/The Drive on Metz

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMTC3I20

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(counters clipped)

#21 "Twilight Struggle Variant, Combat Commander Inserts, Command & Colors Scenarios"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMTC3I21

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(Combat Commander inserts present only!, no counters or other inserts)
(no counters!, other inserts loose but present)
(unpunched, cards sealed)

#23 "Jena 20, What's in a Name?, Pursuit of Glory, Kutuzov, The War in Russia"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMTC3I23

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(no counters!, remaining inserts loose but present)

#24 "Washington's War, The Battle For Normandy, The Caucasus Campaign"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMTC3I24

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(unpunched, uncut)

#26 "Andean Abyss, Command & Colors Scenario, Objective Kiev Game"

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMTC3I26

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)

(counters clipped, uncut)
(unpunched, uncut)

Inside GMT #1 "Silver Bayonet Scenarios, Operation Shoestring Scenario"

By: GMT Games

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#1-27)