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Role Playing Games from Wizards of the Coast

Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE:HAS), is a worldwide leader in the trading card game and tabletop roleplaying game categories, and a leading developer and publisher of game-based entertainment products. The company holds an exclusive patent on the method of playing trading card games (TCGs) and produces one of the world’s best-selling TCGs, Magic: The Gathering®, as well as the celebrated Dungeons & Dragons® roleplaying game. Publisher of adventure games, family card and board games, and electronic media products, Wizards of the Coast is also one of the world’s premier book publishers of fantasy series, whose novels have made numerous appearances on The New York Times best-seller list and have sold millions of copies worldwide.

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301-360 of 2,329 Products

#257 "101 Paladin Quests, The Dragon Queen"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

#261 "Shadow Mage Kits, Dwarven Name Generator"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $4.95

#268 "How to Invest Your Loot!, Greyhawk Grimoires"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $4.95

#277 "Age of Steam, Blades of Legend, Unusual Sorcerers & Wizards"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $4.99

(no poster)

#279 "Elves, Lolth Strikes Back, Druids & Monks"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $4.99

#294 "Fight the Gods, Holy Relics, Greyhawk Gods"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

#302 "Ultimate Power, Traps & Treasure Tokens"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82302

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99

(no tokens)

#303 "15 Fighting Styles, Gladiator Arena Map Poster"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82303

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99

(no poster)
(no poster)

#309 "First D&D 3.5 Issue, Githyanki Invade, War-Scale Spells, Interactive DVD"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82309

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99

(no DVD)

#313 "Mad Dragons - Draconian Delusions, D&D Mini-Tiles"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82313

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99

(2" tear in shrink, shrink still firmly in place)

#317 "Exotic Heroes, Eberron"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82317

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99

(no cards)

#341 "Tome of Magic Sneak Preview, Warforged Components, Baphomet"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82341

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $6.99

#343 "Creature Catalog #5, Hunting Dragons in the Forgotten Realms"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82343

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $6.99

#359 "The Final Issue!, Relics of Greyhawk, The Mysteries of D&D, Elminster vs. Raistlin"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82359

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

(poster loose but present)
(poster map loose but present)

#39 "5 AD&D, 1 D&D & 1 Spelljammer Adventure"


Product Line: Dungeon Magazine #01 - #50

(no map)

#44 w/Food Fight


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #01 - #50


#45 "Dragon Dungeon Design Kit, Three New NPC's"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #01 - #50

(no kit)

#51 w/Emperor's Treasure Game


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

(no game!)
(no game!)

#54 "Preparing a Pantheon, Cavern Quest AD&D Adventure"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

#57 "The Wandering Trees AD&D Adventure"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

(name on cover)

#61 "Quest of the Midas Orb AD&D Module"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

(cover taped)

#65 w/Monsters of the Midway Game


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

(no game)

#85 "4 Adventures, Monster Tokens Set #1"


Product Line: Dungeon Magazine #051 - #100

(no tokens)
(tokens loose but present, uncut)
(tokens loose but present, uncut)

#92 "Nature's Revenge - 20th Level, Spelljammer d20, Spelljammer Ship Tokens"


Product Line: Dungeon Magazine #051 - #100

MSRP $5.99

(no tokens)

#93 "The Gypsy Train, Short Hops and Big Drops"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

#94 "Creature Catalog II, The Knights of Solamnia"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

(cover split)

Curse of Strahd Revamped

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCC87570

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition, 2014 Edition) - Modules & Adventures

(no slipcover)

Deluxe Character Sheets

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC88595

Product Line: d20 Modern (WOTC)

(slipcover Fair)

Dungeon Tiles Master Set - The Dungeon

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC19886

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Dungeon Tiles

Dungeons & Dragons - Fantasy Roleplaying Game Starter Set

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC24466

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Essentials

(unpunched, uncut, dice sealed)

Halls of Undermountain

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC38855

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Modules & Adventures

(missing 1 poster map)
(poster maps loose but present)

Living Greyhawk Gazetteer

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC11743

Product Line: Greyhawk (WOTC)

(no poster map)

Magic of Eberron

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC8829172

Product Line: Eberron (d20)

MSRP $29.95

(name inside)

Paragon Tier Trilogy, The #2 - Demon Queen's Enclave

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC21782

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Modules & Adventures

MSRP $24.95

(no poster map)
(UPC marked)

Phandelver and Below - The Shattered Obelisk

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCD2433

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition, 2014 Edition) - Modules & Adventures

MSRP $59.95

Plane Below, The - Secrets of the Elemental Chaos

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC24211

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Sourcebooks & Supplements

(binding loose)
(name inside)

Rules Expansion Gift Set (Alternate Cover)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCD01490000

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition, 2014 Edition) - Core & Assorted

MSRP $169.95

Shadows of the Last War w/Death at Whitehearth

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC86410

Product Line: Eberron (d20)

MSRP $9.95

(no short story)

Speaker in Dreams, The

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC11830

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Modules & Adventures

Van Richten's Arsenal Volume I

By: Sword & Sorcery Studios

Stock #: WW15010

Product Line: Ravenloft (d20)

Wizards Presents - Races and Classes (4th Edition Preview)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC2164874

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Fourth Edition Compatible Products

MSRP $19.95

Wizards Presents - Worlds and Monsters (4th Edition Preview)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC2164974

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Fourth Edition Compatible Products

MSRP $19.95

Young Adventurer's Collection, The

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: RHP549

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition, 2014 Edition) - Core & Assorted

MSRP $32.99

#12 "Persian Mythos, Illusionists, Druids, Sea Treasure for D&D"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #01 - #50

#122 "Ancient Secrets of the Lost Continent, Troglodytes, Vampires, & Demon Trees"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82122

Product Line: Dungeon Magazine #101 - #150

MSRP $6.99

#124 "Return to Maure Castle, Age of Worms Adventure Path"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82124

Product Line: Age of Worms Adventure Path, The - Dungeon Magazine Issues

#136 "Urban Adventures, 50 Ways to Foil Your Players"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #101 - #150

(cover loose)

#141 "Return to Lost Tamoachan, Brave the Beholder's Lair, Savage Tide, Sea Wyvern Poster Map"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82141

Product Line: Savage Tides Adventure Path - The Dungeon Magazine Issues

#146 "The Spawn of Sehan Campaign Arc Part 2, Scuttlecove - City of Chaos, Scuttlecove Poster Map"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82146

Product Line: Savage Tides Adventure Path - The Dungeon Magazine Issues

(no poster map)

#149 "Set Sail on the River Styx, Madness in Moonshae"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82149

Product Line: Savage Tides Adventure Path - The Dungeon Magazine Issues

#153 "In the Hand of the Gods, The Goals of the Gods"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $3.50

#154 "The Art of Making War, For King and Country"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $3.50

#156 "Outrageous Magical Items, Not Necessarily the Monstrous Compendium"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $3.50

#161 "Tavern Rumors, Romance and Adventure"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $3.50

#167 "Dangerous Greyhawk Wilderness, Curses are Divine"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $3.50

#169 "Creative Casting, New Weapons For Old"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $3.50