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Sword & Sorcery Studios

Sword & Sorcery is an imprint of White Wolf Publishing, Inc, created to publish under Wizards of the Coast's Open Gaming License (using the rules set created for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons). Sword & Sorcery launched with the smash Creature Collection series and the popular Scarred Lands fantasy setting, and has also become the umbrella brand under which several smaller high-quality studios publish some or even all of their OGL output. These studios include Monte Cook's Malhavoc Press, Necromancer Games, Goodman Games, and Guardians of Order. Sword & Sorcery has also licensed several popular properties, creating tabletop roleplaying games based on popular computer games such as Sony Online Entertainment's EverQuest and EverQuest II and Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft and World of Warcraft.