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Mystery Suit Games

Jchon E. Bahl II who considers himself to be a game designer who is very passionate about gameplay in board/card games. Something that he considers to be important in the card and board games that he loves is their mechanics, the more original the better. Sometimes that means sophisticated and complex, but not always. He would say a great game is one that is well-balanced and quick to learn/play. He also believes that a renowned company or person is not the only one capable of developing a good game, nor do high sales translate to a well-designed game. In his opinion, a good game should alleviate distress, encourage decision-making, examine creativity, offer innovation and he firmly believe that player choice needs to outweigh chance. A player should feel as if he/she is excelling even if in the context of the rules, he/she may not be. They all crave the feeling that we're in a state of flow; or the perfect balance between the challenge a game offers and the skill or ability of the player. He for one cannot feel anything but satisfied while playing this kind of game and has a strong argument to claim and deem a game worthy of being called a "good game". Mystery Suit Games objective is to develop an analog game (board/card/table-top game) for the purpose of gaining industry experience as well as determine a person's interest in the game by analyzing its long-term replayability over time.

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Dead Apocalypse

By: Mystery Suit Games

Stock #: MYG001

Product Line: Dead Apocalypse

MSRP $40.00