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Military Book Club, The

It’s a time-honored tradition. The low hum of aircraft slowly approaching. The muffled crump of artillery being walked in by distant gunners. The rumbling of armor moving slowly forward into an ominous dawn, accompanied by crouching infantrymen. And then, the blinding explosion of battle as forces engage, metal against metal, man against man. There’s nothing that gets your blood pumping like reading about the thrill of battle. And at the Military Book Club, they’re fully engaged in a search for the kinds of books that will get you fired up as well. From epic clashes like Gettysburg and D-Day to covert special operations in the jungles of Vietnam or the dusty villages of Afghanistan, their books traverse every era and every type of combat. And if you love tactical gear and firearms, they’ve got you covered as well with a wide range of books that will put you on the cutting edge.

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