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International Chess Enterprises

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1-34 of 34 Products

#1 - Spring 1992 "Making the Transition"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#7 - Winter 1993 "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#8 - Spring 1994 "Global War, Research, Postmortem"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(cover notated)

#13 - Summer 1995 "The Ultra System, The Sun Also Rises"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter


#20 - Summer 1997 "The Yen is Mightier Than the Sword, 1942 Scenario"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter


#21 - Fall-Winter 1997 "Naval Follies, Tide of War"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter


#22 - Spring 1998 "Eve-Deep in Hell, 1941 Scenario"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(lightly notated)

#23 - Summer-Fall 1998 "Vae Victis, The Sicilian Connection"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(lightly notated)

#24 - Winter 1998-Spring 1999 "Raiding the Ice Box, Hexes to Die For"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(lightly notated)

#25 - Summer 1999 "Under a Blood-Red Sky"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(lightly notated)

#30 - Fall-Winter 2000 "Yankee Go Home!"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter


#31 - Spring 2001 "Limits to Success"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(lightly notated)

#32 - Winter 2001-Spring 2002 "It's How You Play The Game"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(lightly notated)

#33 - Summer 2002 "The Fall of France"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(name on cover)

#34 - Winter 2002 "Germany Defies The A-Bomb"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(name on cover)

#35 - Spring 2003 "Panzer Marsch!"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#36 - Summer 2003 "The Worm Turns"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#37 - Fall 2003 "Taking The Punches"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

(name on cover)
(back cover notated)

#2 - Summer 1992 "Mediterranean Option, Margin of Victory, Peace Option"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#3 - Fall 1992 "The Unseen War, The Home Front"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#4 - Winter 1992 "Preparing for Sickelstroke, Case Yellow"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#5 - Spring 1993 "Enemy Research and Development"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#6 - Summer-Fall 1993 "Rule Changes, Sea Lion, After the Deluge"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#9 - Summer 1994 "Rodina 1 & 2, The Stalin Defense"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#10 - Fall 1994 "Rules Changes, Variants"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#11- Winter 1994 "Rodina 3, Response from the Kremlin"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#12 - Spring 1995 "Supply & Command, Cracking the Defense"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#14 - Fall 1995 "Scandinavia Overview & Option, Sweden, Denmark"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#15 - Winter 1995 "Winter of Our Discontent, Tora, Tora, Tora!, Tora?"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#16 - Spring 1996 "Tora, Tora, Tora!, Tora? - 2, Who Stole My B-29's?"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#17 - Summer-Fall 1996 "Rule Changes, State Secrets, Nazi-Soviet Pact"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#18 - Winter 1996 "Consolidated Rule Changes"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter

#19 - Spring 1997 "Global War 2000"

By: International Chess Enterprises

Product Line: Ultra - Advanced Third Reich Newsletter