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Game Salute

From humble beginnings as an organization designed to improve media support in the tabletop games industry, Game Salute has expanded steadily into a worldwide platform for the creation, sales, and distribution of top-shelf quality board and card games. In 2008, Game Salute began as a side project for Dan Yarrington, Founder and CEO of Myriad Games, a successful chain of board game stores. With the stated purpose of "providing tools and services to make the tabletop industry a better place," Game Salute began providing product evaluation, reviews, media support, industry news, and general consulting and advice. In 2011, at the request of a handful of new publishers, Game Salute expanded into fulfillment and distribution as well as supporting the launch and success of the first board game campaigns on, notably with Alien Frontiers, the first big success in board game crowdfunding. In 2012, Game Salute expanded to co-publishing and expanded their sales and distribution network. During the past few years, Game Salute has grown expansively, adding their own publishing division for best-selling games like Alien Frontiers, Princess Bride: Prepare to Die!, King's Forge, Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule!, and many more.