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Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm) Miniatures & Games

To those who worship Cyriss, no tenet is more sacred than the Fifth Harmonic, the belief that the Clockwork Goddess will manifest once the perfect machine is created across all of Caen. The key to this vessel’s completion lies in the geomantic fulcrums of power that cover the world, many in hostile territory. For centuries the cult has been amassing an immense mechanikal army, poised to take the final steps in readying for their goddess. The time has come for the Convergence to complete the Great Work, and they will let none stand in their way.

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Enigma Foundry

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36009

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm)

MSRP $34.99

Accretion Servitors

Accretion Servitors

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36008

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm)

3 figures

Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex

Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36017

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm)

2 pcs.

Archnumen Aurora

Archnumen Aurora

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36036

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Units (28mm)

5 figures

Attunement Servitors

Attunement Servitors

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36015

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm)

3 figures

Elimination Servitors

Elimination Servitors

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36027

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm)

3 figures

Frustrum Locus

Frustrum Locus

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36032

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm)

Reflex Servitors

Reflex Servitors

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36023

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm)

3 figures

Steelsoul Protector

Steelsoul Protector

By: Privateer Press

Stock #: PIP36012

Product Line: Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss - Solos (28mm)

4 pcs.