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Sex, Lies, and Ultraspies Role Playing Games

Welcome to 1960s Britain, where everyone is trying not to think about the bomb, women are liberated and wearing skintight leather catsuits, and there are always mixed drinks on hand. You’re a secret agent, but there’s nothing secret about you. You wear the latest fashions, operate the latest high-tech gizmos, and drive the fastest cars. You drink your martinis shaken, not stirred. You assault secret bases in the middle of volcanoes. You even have powers and abilities beyond those of mortal humans. You’re a super-powered super-spy, protecting Queen and Country and looking good while you do it.

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Sex, Lies, and Ultraspies

Sex, Lies, and Ultraspies

By: Hex Games

Stock #: HEX6036

Product Line: Sex, Lies, and Ultraspies

Spy Racers

Spy Racers

By: Hex Games

Stock #: HEX60521

Product Line: Sex, Lies, and Ultraspies