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Player's Advantage (d20) Role Playing Games

Delve into your favorite classes with new rules, variant classes, prestige classes, and other exciting additions. For the new player, you’ll find helpful information to develop your character from both a rules and role-playing standpoint. Experienced players will discover ample new options to breathe new life into old classes. Game Masters, do not despair, there are helpful chapters for you as well! Easily choose class combinations to create unique NPCs using detailed charts for multiclassed characters. New NPC classes and sample NPCs makes it easy to add new flavor to your game. The series also builds on proven Open Game Content, taking it to new heights by integrating it into the new material. Don’t be satisfied with just any expansion book, take the advantage!

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By: Mystic Eye Games

Stock #: MYG7500    Year: 2004

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Player's Advantage (d20)