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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (1st Edition) - Foreign Language Editions Role Playing Games

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Since Paizo released the first playtest documents in March of 2008, more than 50,000 gamers have downloaded the rules and posted their feedback, resulting in a year-long open playtest that was the largest in the history of tabletop roleplaying games. Going back to the beginning of third edition, the rules engine that powers the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game has enjoyed more than 10 years of active playtesting and revision, making it the most robust set of fantasy RPG rules ever published. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game has been designed with compatibility with previous editions in mind, so you'll be able to use your existing library of 3.5 products with only a minimal amount of confusion. In fact, the Pathfinder RPG is designed to smooth over a number of the rough spots in the 3.5 rules set, making several existing books even easier to use. On the other hand, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game contains numerous additional options and exciting new takes on classic character classes and races, infusing the game with a level of excitement that will carry it years into the future.

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Bestiario 2 (Bestiary 2, Spanish Edition)

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZOPF020

Product Line: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (1st Edition) - Foreign Language Editions

Pathfinder Reglas Basicas (Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Spanish Edition)

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZOPF01

Product Line: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (1st Edition) - Foreign Language Editions