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Order of Battle Historical Books

Each book studies the organization, actions and strength of a major unit in battle, describing elements of doctrine, training, tactics, equipment and deployment. Detailed orders of battle, tables of organization and equipment, maps and diagrams support each text. Battle Orders break down military units into their constituent parts, revealing how individual fighting strength, combat missions and command decisions combine to determine the course of major battles and wars. The scope of each book ranges from armies to divisions or battalions, and from wars to theatres of war and campaigns.

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1-14 of 14 Products

Gettysburg July 1, 1863 - Confederate, The Army of Northern Virginia

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB001

Product Line: Order of Battle

Quebec 1759 - The Battle that Won Canada

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB3

Product Line: Order of Battle

MSRP $19.95

Gettysburg July 1, 1863 - Union, The Army of the Potomac

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB002

Product Line: Order of Battle

Ardennes Offensive, The - VI Panzer Armee

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB04

Product Line: Order of Battle

Ardennes Offensive, The - V US Corps, XVIII US (Airborne) Corps & Northern Sector

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB05

Product Line: Order of Battle

Gettysburg July 2, 1863 - Confederate - The Army of Northern Virginia

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB06

Product Line: Order of Battle

Gettysburg July 2, 1863 - Union - The Army of the Potomac

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB07

Product Line: Order of Battle

Ardennes Offensive, The - V Panzer Armee and Central Sector (2nd Edition)

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB08

Product Line: Order of Battle

Ardennes Offensive, The - US VII & VIII Corps, British XXX Corps & Central Sector (2nd Edition)

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB09

Product Line: Order of Battle

Gettysburg July 3, 1863 - Confederate - The Army of Northern Virginia

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB010

Product Line: Order of Battle

Gettysburg July 3, 1863 - Union - The Army of the Potomac

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB011

Product Line: Order of Battle

Ardennes Offensive, The - I Armee & VII Armee

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB012

Product Line: Order of Battle

Ardennes Offensive, The - US III & XII Corps

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB013

Product Line: Order of Battle

Ardennes Offensive, The - US VII & VIII Corps, British XXX Corps & Central Sector (1st edition)

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPOOB09-00

Product Line: Order of Battle