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MTG - Duel Decks - Mind vs. Might Magic & CCGs

Mind vs. Might represents the age-old clash between mages and warriors, brains and brawn. Clever plots or raw power-which will you choose? The battle of brains and brawn is one of nature's classic recurring struggles, and at the core of this struggle is time. Does brains have enough time to concoct a clever plan and outwit brawn before it gets pummeled into an unrecognizable mess of disappointment and viscera? This conflict that can easily swing in favor of either side with just the slightest change in circumstances, which is what makes it such a gripping competition. If you've been looking to play out the delicate balance of this rivalry in a Magic game, then look no further: it is the spirit of this eternal battle that spawned the upcoming Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might, and you'll see that spirit come through every time the cards hit the table.

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