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La Revue Napoleon Historical Books

Products from La Revue Napoleon

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#1 "The Constitution of Year VIII, The Ministers, The Death of General Championnet"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#2 "General Moreau on the Rhine, La Tou d'Auvergne, Crossing the Alps at Saint-Bernard"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#3 "Military Justice, The Garden of the Palais Royal, Fashion Under the Consulate"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#4 "The Treaty of San Ildefonso, The Convention of Mortefontaine, The Jacobin's Arena Conspiracy"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#5 "The Assassination of Paul I, Uniforms in 1801"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Stock #: NAP3005

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#6 "Admiral Gravina, Napoleonic Italy 1796-1801"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Stock #: NAP3006

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#7 "Uniforms - Polish Troops in Italy, The Concordant"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Stock #: NAP3007

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#8 "Napoleonic Italy, Opposition to the Consulate, Charles-Fancois Lebrun"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#9 "Napoleon and Switzerland, Uniforms - Swiss in French Service 1798-1805"

By: La Revue Napoleon

Stock #: NAP3009

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

#10 'The Italian Republic Army, The Lampoon Plot, Bonaparte and the Emigres'

By: La Revue Napoleon

Stock #: NAP3010

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon

MSRP $24.95

Napoleon Journal Index #1-12

Napoleon Journal Index #1-12

By: La Revue Napoleon

Stock #: NAP1000

Product Line: La Revue Napoleon