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Flagship PBM Magazine Role Playing Games

Flagship is published bi-monthly, contains news about the PBM (Play-By-Mail) world, reviews of new and existing games, new developments, players comments and Galactic View - listing of all known UK and European PBM games and PBM moderators.

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#1 "Superweb, How to Win at PBM"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#2 "Star Master, Terra II, Vorcon Wars"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#5 "Crasimoff's World, Star Master"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#6 "The Keys of Bled, Farlords, Death of the Defiant"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#7 "Lord of the Ringworlds, Darkworld"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#8 "Saturnalia, Earthwood, Star Empires, Kings"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#9 "Colony Building BSE, Power, Tribes of Crane"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#10 "Global Supremacy, Duelmasters, Ad Astra"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#11 "Criminal Genius, Starglobe, Warlords of Kaos"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#12 "Diary of a Mad Carthaginian, Charting Fleet Manuevers, Vorcon for Experts"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#13 "Starglobe, Stat of War, Orion's Finger"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#14 "Company Commander, Winning in Capitol"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#15 "Supernova, Trolls Bottom, Exploring Galaxy Alpha"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#16 "Family Wars, Alamaze, Crack of Doom"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#17 "Empyrean Challenge, Warp Force Empires, Continental Rails"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#18 "Galactic Prisoners, Mobius I, Stars of the Dark Well"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#19 "Battle Plan, Survival Challenge, Tactical Assault Group"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine

#20 "Kings & Things, CTF 2817, Star Saga, Swords of the Gods"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine


#22 "Destiny, Imperial Conquest, Space Combat"

By: Flagship PBM Magazine

Product Line: Flagship PBM Magazine