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Fighting Formations Series - World War II War Games

Fighting Formations is intended to be an ongoing series of wargames covering WWII tactical combined-arms combat at the platoon and squad levels. Each game in the series will feature a distinct combat unit, highlighting battles in which that unit participated as well as its particular order of battle and fighting characteristics. The first title in the series is "Grossdeutschland Infantry Division" (FF:GD). Future titles aren't yet set in stone but could be devoted to other famous divisions (Big Red One), Corps (Afrika Korps), regiments (442nd RCT), Commando troops, Ranger battalions, etc.

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Fighting Formations - Grossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT1105

Product Line: Fighting Formations Series - World War II

MSRP $85.00

(counters clipped)
(1/2 unpunched, punched counters clipped)

Fighting Formations - Grossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division (1.1 Edition)

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT1105-11

Product Line: Fighting Formations Series - World War II

MSRP $45.00

(unpunched, cards sealed)

Fighting Formations - US 29th Infantry Division

By: GMT Games

Product Line: Fighting Formations Series - World War II

MSRP $121.00

Fighting Formations - Grossdeutschland Division's Battle for Kharkov

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT1809

Product Line: Fighting Formations Series - World War II