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Edge (Outrider Studios) Role Playing Games

The Edgemaster’s blade was both drawn and sheathed in the blink of an eye. It took her adversary more than a moment to notice that it had passed through his throat along the way. Both heroism and cowardice are determined in a moment. A duel is not an hour-long engagement, but a lightning strike of cruelty and skill. Kindness is not a grand gesture, but a simple stroke. A speech is only as effective as its single, most meaningful word. Because of this Edge uses the new RapidFire dice system. The Rapidfire system is designed to ensure that story and narrative will never be bogged down by heavy rules. It is fast, simple, efficient, and inclusive, which not only adds immediacy to the action of your story, but also makes Edge a fun experience for role players of all levels.

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Edge Role Playing Game

By: Outrider Studios

Stock #: OS001

Product Line: Edge (Outrider Studios)