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Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous Miniatures & Games

CRITTER COMMANDOS is a game of squad level (and larger) combats that occur in a universe gone mad. All the combatants are modeled after Saturday morning cartoon characters, and that the damage caused by the weapons isn't really real! Each bit of damage puts a "hole" in the character (just like a cartoon!), and when they've taken enough holes, they are out of the game. But they come back for the next episode, safe and sound! This game is intended to be a fast and fun introduction to the world of miniatures games, while also having some role-playing elements. Each soldier has an INDEX that tells you how fast it is, how smart it is, how well it can shoot, and more. They also have a list of whatever weapons they carry. Using this, you as the player control how the battle unfolds, and try for ultimate victory. The combat is quick-paced and east to learn. It uses a single roll on a ten-sided die to figure out any combat. The emphasis is on fun and excitement, not massive tomes of over complicated, supposedly "realistic" systems that bog down in too much detail.

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Critter Commandos (1st Edition)

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE3000

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

MSRP $7.95

Critter Commandos 2000

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE3010

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Critter Commandos Deluxe

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE3002

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

MSRP $12.95

Accessory Pak #1 - Skateboards

Accessory Pak #1 - Skateboards

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: TFSCCACC01

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

5 figures

Accessory Pak #2 - Weapons

Accessory Pak #2 - Weapons

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE7645

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

5 pcs.

Bull - General McMoo

Bull - General McMoo

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: TFS7649

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Conversion Kit #1 - Mice/Rats/Rabbits

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE7646

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Conversion Kit #2 - Bear/Dog/Cat

Conversion Kit #2 - Bear/Dog/Cat

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE7647

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Critter Commandos (3rd Edition)

Critter Commandos (3rd Edition)

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: TFS3030

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Critter Commandos Compendium

Critter Commandos Compendium

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE3001

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Critter-Tek (1st Edition)

Critter-Tek (1st Edition)

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE3100

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Critter-Tek (2nd Edition)

Critter-Tek (2nd Edition)

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: TFS3040

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Dread Frog Bot, The

Dread Frog Bot, The

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE7303

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

3 pcs.

McSteer Cattle Tek

McSteer Cattle Tek

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE7302

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

3 pcs.

Mole Scout

Mole Scout

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: TFS7652

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

Rommel's Rat Trak

Rommel's Rat Trak

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: CFE7304

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous

4 pcs.

Whamhammer Hippo Tek

Whamhammer Hippo Tek

By: Crunchy Frog Enterprises

Stock #: TFS7301

Product Line: Critter Commandos - Core & Miscellaneous