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CAV - Grundor House Miniatures & Games

Unlike many of the other Big Nine UCOR's, Grundor House is a relative newcomer to the scene. It was formed in 2227 as a spin-off UCOR when Mark IV completed the purchase of Magnetic Electro-Space Systems. The main focus of this new UCOR was to develop, extract, and transport resources for the Malvernian Empire, and at this mission it has excelled over the nearly 40 years that it's been in business. In fact, it was only 25 years ago that the Big Eight was expanded to the Big Nine to include the amazingly successful new kid on the UCOR block. Grundor House takes its name from the facility where the focus group that conceived the UCOR met in the center of downtown Grundor. Originally patterned after the Rach Empire's KODA Works, Grundor House has since evolved into a unique UCOR with facilities and operations spread across the galaxy. It specializes in light and heavy manufacturing, mining, refining, logistics, transport, and developing equipment. Grundor House and Mark IV formed Master Unified Distribution UCOR in 2263 as a joint venture company to handle and develop mutual company interests in the Out-Zone. In essence, Master Unified Distribution also represents the largest missionary force of Khardullians anywhere in the galaxy. They are fervent in their desire to carry both Malvernian business and religious beliefs straight to the edge of known space and beyond. While Grundor House and Mark IV are separate companies on paper, the fact that they are both virtually controlled by the Grand Inquisitor is the worst-kept secret in the galaxy. In the Capella system, home of the Malvernian Empire, Grundor House shares Capella IV with Mark IV as the location of its main headquarters. In fact, the main offices of the two UCOR's are literally across town from each other in Grundor. Unlike many UCOR's, Grundor House can apparently and will readily hold a grudge. To this day, Grundor House employees refuse to have any business dealings with the Terrans or the Templars, both of whom stood against Malvernis in the Galaxy War. This has given other UCOR's—like RMI and KODA Works—the chance to make great gains against Grundor House in these wealthy markets, but the Grundor House board of directors doesn't seem to mind. As current CEO Wenton Trevasse likes to say, "We prefer to do business with people we have found to be trustworthy. The Templars and the Terrans don't qualify."

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Assassin (1st Printing)

Assassin (1st Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

4 pcs.

Assassin (2nd Printing)

Assassin (2nd Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR24539

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

4 pcs.



By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR07059

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House



By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR24569

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

4 pcs.

Hunter Tank (1st Printing)

Hunter Tank (1st Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR07056

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

2 figures

Hunter Tank (2nd Printing)

Hunter Tank (2nd Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR24566

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

2 figures

Outlaw Tank (1st Printing)

Outlaw Tank (1st Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR07080

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

2 figures

Outlaw Tank (2nd Printing)

Outlaw Tank (2nd Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR24589

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

2 figures

Raider APC (1st Printing)

Raider APC (1st Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR07083

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

2 figures

Raider APC (2nd Printing)

Raider APC (2nd Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR24599

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

2 figures

Thug (1st Printing)

Thug (1st Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

4 pcs.

Thug (2nd Printing)

Thug (2nd Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR24540

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

4 pcs.

Vindicator Aircraft (1st Printing)

Vindicator Aircraft (1st Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR07081

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

2 figures

Vindicator Aircraft (2nd Printing)

Vindicator Aircraft (2nd Printing)

By: Reaper Miniatures

Stock #: RPR24597

Product Line: CAV - Grundor House

2 figures