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Game Master's Screen w/The Temple of Solusek Ro

By: Sword & Sorcery Studios

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Everquest I

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Last Stocked on 10/27/2024

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Game Master's Screen w/The Temple of Solusek Ro
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At the edge of a great caldera of boiling magma in the Lavastorm Mountains is the Temple of Solusek Ro, the Burning Prince. Do not look for greetings from the fiery efreet who guards the entrance, for you shall lose face with those who dwell within. They believe, as does their god, that the powerful can - and should - take what they desire. They dare you to confront the challenges they present. Succeed, and your rewards shall be great.

This supplement contains two items of equal importance: a 48- page adventure of quests and related rewards - including magical armor special to each character class - and a Gamemaster screen with essential charts for running a fantasy roleplaying game - including information specific to the EverQuest Roleplaying Game.