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Vampire - The Masquerade - Kindred of the East World of Darkness (All Editions)

For thousands of years, the Kindred have ravaged the World of Darkness. Claiming descent from the First Murderer, Caine, these parasites have riddled Old and New World alike. The Children of Caine influence, subvert and pervert the highest echelons of mortal government, economics and culture. Nothing, they claim, escapes their corrupting touch. They are wrong. One realm eludes their clutches: the ancient land of Asia. Although Asia offers unthinkable riches and oceans of blood, Kindred who come here do so fearfully. Since the nights of the galleons, Western vampires' attempts to exploit this land have met with dismal and horrific failure. For another sort of vampire rules Asia's nights. These vampires scorn the myth of Caine for they are cohorts of spirits and demons. Not for them are the indulgences of generation respect, power and age are privileges to be earned. Their curse is not a random, pointless Embrace, but a karmic debt to be repaid. Their Beast is not a mindless adversary, but a double-edged weapon. And, as the Kindred have learned to their dismay, their Eastern counterparts have developed fearful powers and arcane arts. Kindred of the East is a sourcebook detailing the unique vampires indigenous to the Orient: their society, their wars, their environment, their duties and, above all, their reaction to the Western incursion. Before we address the vampires of the East, however, a few notes about their world are in order.

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