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Miniatures - Alternate History

Recreate the battles of the past! From the invasion of extra-terrestrials during the Cold War to the great mecha battles of World War II, there’s a little something for everyone when history gets… whimsical.

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1861-1920 of 2,423 Products

Medicine Man

Medium House #10

Medium House #15

Medium House #2

Medium House #24

Medium House #25

Medium House #26

Medium House #3

Medium House #33

Medium House #8

Medium House - 2x #3

Medium House - 3x #2

Medium Houses - 2x

Medium Houses - 2x #2

Medium Houses - 2x #4

Medium Houses - 2x #5

Medium Houses - 3x

Medium Houses - 3x #3

Mercenary Headquarters

MK VIIIA Cavalier

MkI Locust Tripod Pack