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Role Playing Games from Wizards of the Coast

Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE:HAS), is a worldwide leader in the trading card game and tabletop roleplaying game categories, and a leading developer and publisher of game-based entertainment products. The company holds an exclusive patent on the method of playing trading card games (TCGs) and produces one of the world’s best-selling TCGs, Magic: The Gathering®, as well as the celebrated Dungeons & Dragons® roleplaying game. Publisher of adventure games, family card and board games, and electronic media products, Wizards of the Coast is also one of the world’s premier book publishers of fantasy series, whose novels have made numerous appearances on The New York Times best-seller list and have sold millions of copies worldwide.

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181-240 of 2,329 Products

Fiendish Codex #1 - Hordes of the Abyss

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC9537572

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Sourcebooks


By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC17758

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Sourcebooks


Heroic Tier Trilogy, The #2 - Thunderspire Labyrinth

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC2174174

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Modules & Adventures

MSRP $24.95

Monster Vault

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC24465

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Essentials


Player's Guide to Eberron

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC95368

Product Line: Eberron (d20)

Races of Destiny

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC17737

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Sourcebooks

Races of Eberron

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC17745

Product Line: Eberron (d20)

MSRP $29.95

(name inside, no booklet)

Races of Stone

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC96567

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Sourcebooks

(binding loose)


By: AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group)

Stock #: AEG3103

Product Line: Legend of the Five Rings (d20)

MSRP $29.95

Scepter Tower of Spellgard

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC2176474

Product Line: Forgotten Realms (4th Edition)

MSRP $24.95

Vecna - Eve of Ruin

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCD37040

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition, 2014 Edition) - Modules & Adventures

MSRP $59.99

(no poster map)

#101 "Burn, Baby, Burn!, Monster Matrix Card"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82101

Product Line: Dungeon Magazine #101 - #150

MSRP $6.99

(no insert)

#102 "Cooking Up Madness in Cauldron, Pulp Heroes Goes d20 Modern"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82102

Product Line: Shackled City Adventure Path, The - Dungeon Magazine Issues & Compilation

MSRP $6.99

#117 "Creative Campaigns, Feuds and Feudalism"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #101 - #150

MSRP $3.50

(cover loose)

#120 "Player's Handbook II"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #101 - #150

MSRP $3.50

#123 "Magic and Wizardry in the Mystic College"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #101 - #150

MSRP $3.50

#152 "Underdark Monsters, The Ecology of the Umber Hulk"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $3.50

(no poster)

#163 "The Endless Challenge of Magic, Hedge Wizards, Magic Gone Haywire"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

MSRP $3.50

(no insert(s))

#177 "Relief for the Referee, Secrets of the Masters Revealed"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

#200 "The Awesome Power of Magic, Special Hologram Cover"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #151 - #200

#221 "Uncovering the Arcane Arts, Magic of Kings, Ley of the Land"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $3.95

#226 "Off the Cuff NPC's, Powers From the Past"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $4.95

#237 "Wilderness Kits, Magical Arrows, Man's Best Friend"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP $4.95

#253 "Random Magical Weapon Generator, Treasure Tomes of Greyhawk"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $4.95

#259 "220 Random Encounters, Master of the World - Villains"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $4.95

#267 "4 Alternate Underdarks, Complete Subterranean City"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $4.95

#270 "Hell on Earth - Fighting Fiends on the Prime Planes"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $4.95

#284 "Scale & Claw, Draconian Tactics, Dragontongue"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $5.99

(no CD)
(no CD)

#286 "Shannara Poster Map, Shannara Campaign Setting"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $5.99

(no map)
(no map)

#295 "Build Better Castles, Tower Dungeon Tiles Poster"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #251 - #300

MSRP $5.99

#306 "6 Daemons, Demons & Devils, Incursion Battlemat/Poster"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82306

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99

#308 "Dragon Magic, Heavy Gear, Dweomered Dragon Scales, Evil Dragon Tokens"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82308

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99


#315 "Return to Ravenloft Castle, Exiled Factions in Planescape"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82315

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99

#319 "Dark Sun Player's Handbook"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82319

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $5.99

#332 "You Can Play An Evil Dragon, Eberron's Cult of the Dragon Below"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82332

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $6.99

#335 "New Olamn Bard College, Waterdeep - Inside the City of Splendors"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82335

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $6.99

#350 "Wee Jas - Goddess of Death and Magic, Chronomancy"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82350

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $7.99

#354 "The Modrons March Again, Heironeous - God of Chivalry"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82354

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $7.99

#355 "Seven Saintly Domains, Creature Catalog #6, Music in D&D"

By: Paizo Publishing

Stock #: PZO82355

Product Line: Dragon Magazine #301 - #359

MSRP $7.99

#38 w/Ringside


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #01 - #50


#58 "Spellminders Playing Aid"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100


#59 "Exonidas Spaceport Traveller Adventure"


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

#60 w/Flight of the Boodles Game


Product Line: Dragon Magazine #051 - #100

(no game)
(no game)

Campaign Case - Terrain

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCC99430000

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition, 2014 Edition) - Core & Assorted

MSRP $64.99

(no outer box)
(no outer box, stickers unused)

Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC28059

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Dungeon Master's Guides & Miscellaneous

(no slipcover)

Dungeon Delve

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC2398772

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Modules & Adventures

Dungeon! (2012 Edition)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCA78490000

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons Board Games (Wizards of the Coast)

(unpunched, cards sealed)

Eberron Campaign Guide (4e)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC2396472

Product Line: Eberron (4th Edition)

MSRP $39.95

(no poster map)
(poster map loose but present)

Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC10925

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Modules & Adventures

Explorer's Handbook

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC17869

Product Line: Eberron (d20)

MSRP $29.95

(name inside)

Forge of Fury, The

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC11644

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Modules & Adventures

Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide (4th Edition)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC2182872

Product Line: Forgotten Realms (4th Edition)

(no poster map)

Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCC58350000

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition, 2014 Edition) - Core & Assorted

MSRP $49.95

Heroes of Horror

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC885227200

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (3rd Edition) (d20) - Sourcebooks

Heroes of the Fallen Lands - Clerics, Fighters, Rogues, and Wizards

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC24752

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) - Essentials

MSRP $19.99

Magic of Rokugan

By: AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group)

Stock #: AEG3105

Product Line: Legend of the Five Rings (d20)

MSRP $24.95

Seekers of the Ashen Crown

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOC2190074

Product Line: Eberron (4th Edition)

MSRP $24.95

(no poster map)