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Starsiege - Event Horizon Role Playing Games

Beyond the next horizon lies the uncharted future where science and fiction merge, a line beyond which lies a stellar wilderness defined by our own imagination. Starsiege Event Horizon is a science fiction role playing game whose unique design allows you to set the tone and mood of the game. With this rules set you can play gritty, realistic sci fi or range out to the epic space operas or pulp serials of screen and television. Starsiege Event Horizon is your toolkit for bringing worlds of fantastic science and adventure to life. This all-in-one Role Playing Game is brought to you from the Makers of Castles & Crusades. Designed and written by Josh Chewning, Starsiege Event Horizon uses the popular Siege Engine™ whose simple unifying mechanic makes role playing easy and fun. Starsiege Event Horizon is designed for any age and its easy to grasp rules invite gamers of all stripes to venture into worlds of their own making. Starsiege Event Horizon is the point of no return for all Science Fiction Role Playing Games.

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