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Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic Role Playing Games

In the early 1860's, the government of the United States established a secret supernatural investigative agency under the cover of the Civil War. Only a few top officials knew of its existence and it became known simply as "Bureau 13." For the next century, the few employees of the Bureau went quietly about their "business" of secretly ferreting out and eliminating the destructive aspects of the supernatural. So successful were their efforts that the memories of the public dimmed and the fear of the unknown was replaced by awe (and suppressed fear) of the new technologies. Foreign branches of the organization were established in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The years have passed and worldwide memories have failed. The public has come to believe that magic and the supernatural are the stuff of children's dreams and nightmares. They are wrong. Bureau 13, now an ultramodern force, more secret than before, fights to stem the growth of ancient magic and the supernatural that threatens the innocent. Wherever the supernatural waits, good and evil, the agents of Bureau 13 will be there but...Evil is growing.

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Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic (1st Edition)

By: Tri-Tac Games

Stock #: TRI3001-1    Year: 1983

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic


By: Tri-Tac Games

Stock #: TRI3020    Year: 1984

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic

Hellsnight - A City Dies at Midnight

By: Tri-Tac Games

Stock #: TRI3010    Year: 1984

Type: Module

Product Line: Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic

Bureau 13 (Special Edition)

By: Tri-Tac Games

Stock #: TRI0100    Year: 2000

Type: Software (boxed)

Product Line: Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic

Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic (2nd Edition)

By: Tri-Tac Games

Stock #: TRI3001-2    Year: 1984

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic

Game Shields and TAC Cards

By: Tri-Tac Games

Stock #: TTS0500    Year: 1992

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic

Lost Files #1, The

By: Tri-Tac Games

Stock #: TRI3601    Year: 1991

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic

Lost Files #2, The

By: Tri-Tac Games

Stock #: TRI3602    Year: 1991

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic