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Scarab Miniatures

Scarab was originally dreamt up back in 2001 but it took until 2008 for the business to come into reality. They produce ranges of miniature model soldiers for wargamers, collectors and model makers. More recently, they have published 'War & Conquest', the highly acclaimed set of Ancient and Medieval wargames rules. This is the first in a series of publishing projects and the book has been produced with the highest possible production values. They intend to focus on periods of history not well catered for by major manufacturers and deliver to their customers a high quality product in a prompt and efficient manner.

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1-11 of 11 Products

War & Conquest - Epic Battles in the Ancient and Medieval World

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMLSMP001

Product Line: War & Conquest

Observation Team

Observation Team

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMSC003

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

3 figures



By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMAH012

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

8 figures

HMG Schwarzlose Anti Air

HMG Schwarzlose Anti Air

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMAH011

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

5 figures

HMG Schwarzlose Sitting/Firing

HMG Schwarzlose Sitting/Firing

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMAH007

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

4 figures

HMG Schwarzlose Standing Trench

HMG Schwarzlose Standing Trench

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMAH010

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

5 figures

Officers & Characters

Officers & Characters

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMAH002

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

6 figures

Rommel & Staff

Rommel & Staff

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMSC006

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

Stormtroopers Advancing / Firing / Loading

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMAH004

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

6 figures

Stormtroopers Advancing/Attacking w/Hand Grenades

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMAH006

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

Stormtroopers Advancing/Charging

Stormtroopers Advancing/Charging

By: Scarab Miniatures

Stock #: SMAH005

Product Line: Great War (28mm) (Scarab Miniatures)

6 figures