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Penguin Publishing

In 1935, if you wanted to read a good book, you needed either a lot of money or a library card. Cheap paperbacks were available, but their poor production generally tended to mirror the quality between the covers. Penguin paperbacks were the brainchild of Allen Lane, then a director of The Bodley Head. After a weekend visiting Agatha Christie in Devon, he found himself on a platform at Exeter station searching its bookstall for something to read on his journey back to London, but discovered only popular magazines and reprints of Victorian novels. Appalled by the selection on offer, Lane decided that good quality contemporary fiction should be made available at an attractive price and sold not just in traditional bookshops, but also in railway stations, tobacconists and chain stores. He also wanted a 'dignified but flippant' symbol for his new business. His secretary suggested a Penguin and another employee was sent to London Zoo to make some sketches. Seventy years later Penguin is still one of the most recognizable brands in the world.

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121-180 of 195 Products

Case Against Satan, The

Case Against Satan, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Horror Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Casket of Souls

Casket of Souls

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fantasy Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Children of the Ice

Children of the Ice

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Chretien de Troyes - Arthurian Romances

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fantasy Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, The #1 - Eighth Grade Bites

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Horror Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, The #2 - Ninth Grade Slays

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Horror Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Creature of Havoc

Crown of Kings, The (2nd Printing)

Crown of Kings, The (2nd Printing)

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Steve Jackson's Sorcery!

Death of King Arthur, The

Death of King Arthur, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fantasy Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Doctor Who - Thirteen Doctors 13 Stories

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Science Fiction Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Dr. First

Dr. Fourth

Dr. Twelfth

Dragons Love Tacos 5" Plush - Red

Dragons Love Tacos 5" Plush - Red

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Children's Books & Products (Penguin Publishing)

Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Call of Cthulhu/Lovecraft (Penguin Publishing)

Dune (Dune Chronicles - Book #1)

Dune (Dune Chronicles - Book #1)

By: Penguin Publishing

Stock #: RHP593

Product Line: Science Fiction Novels (Penguin Publishing)

East of Eden

Fantastic Voyage - Microcosm

Fantastic Voyage - Microcosm

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Science Fiction Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Fighting Fantasy Monsters - Out of the Pit (1st Edition)

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Penguin Publishing)

Habsburgs, The - The Rise and Fall of a World Power

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Books (Penguin Publishing)

Haunted Castles

Haunted Castles

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Horror Novels (Penguin Publishing)


Highwaymen - Robbers & Rogues

Highwaymen - Robbers & Rogues

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Science Fiction Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome

Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Homer - The Iliad, A New Prose Translation

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Homer - The Odyssey

Homer - The Odyssey

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Infinite Worlds

Infinite Worlds

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Infinite Worlds

Khare - Cityport of Traps (1st Printing)

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Steve Jackson's Sorcery!

Khare - Cityport of Traps (2nd Printing)

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Steve Jackson's Sorcery!

King Harald's Saga

King Harald's Saga

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Last Unicorn, The

Last Unicorn, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fantasy Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Laundry Files #1 - The Atrocity Archives

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Horror Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Laundry Files #2 - The Jennifer Morgue

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Horror Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Leonard Maltin's 2015 Movie Guide - The Modern Era

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Books (Penguin Publishing)

Lovecraft Tales

Magical Worlds of Harry Potter, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Books (Penguin Publishing)

Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fantasy Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Midnight Rogue

Napoleon - A Life

Napoleon - A Life

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Books (Penguin Publishing)

Of Mice and Men

Penguin Book of Card Games, The

Penguin Book of Card Games, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Books (Penguin Publishing)

Penguin Book of the Undead, The - Fifteen Hundred Years of Supernatural Encounters

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Horror Novels (Penguin Publishing)

People of the Mesa

People of the Mesa

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Rebel Planet

Recipes for Crime

Recipes for Crime

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Mystery Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Reckoners, The - Steelheart

Reckoners, The - Steelheart

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fantasy Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Red Dwarf #4 - Last Human

Red Dwarf #4 - Last Human

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Science Fiction Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Returns of Nightfall, The

Returns of Nightfall, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fantasy Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Rings of Kether, The

Rocksburg Railroad Murders, The

Rocksburg Railroad Murders, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Mystery Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Seven Serpents, The (2nd Printing)

Seven Serpents, The (2nd Printing)

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Steve Jackson's Sorcery!

Shamutanti Hills, The (1st Printing)

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Steve Jackson's Sorcery!

Shamutanti Hills, The (2nd Printing)

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Steve Jackson's Sorcery!

Sharpe's Adventure's #11 - Waterloo

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Historical Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Sharpe's Gold

Sirius - A Fantasy of Love and Discord

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Science Fiction Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Songs of Dread Dreamer and Grimscribe

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Horror Novels (Penguin Publishing)

Sonic the Hedgehog - Adventure Gamebook 1

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Children's Books & Products (Penguin Publishing)

Sorcery Spell Book, The

Sorcery Spell Book, The

By: Penguin Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Penguin Publishing)

Space Assassin