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Palladium Books is a publisher of pen and paper role-playing games and supplements/sourcebooks as well as art books, art prints, T-shirts and other products related to its games. Palladium can be a silly and informal place to work. Blue jeans and T-shirts are the norm and laughter is a common sound. The crazy crew loves role-playing games, books, videogames, comic books, film, theater and television. The company’s stock and trade is what they love best: storytelling, adventure, and getting people to unleash their imaginations via the role-playing game experience. They’re looking forward to comic books, videogames and film potentially being in the company’s future as Palladium expands into other entertainment markets.

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361-420 of 468 Products

#32 "The Hammer of the Forge, Exotic Cooking, Splicers"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL132

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#37 "Rifts - RCSG & The Devils Gate, Splicers - Great House Shiva"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL137

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#39 "Super Summer Swimsuit Issue - Femme Fatales"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL139

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#4 "Robotech, Compendium of Weapons, Armour & Castles Ready"

By: Palladium

Product Line: Magic of Palladium Books, The

#42 "The Warlords of Boston, S.C.R.E.T. Around the World, Wormwood Addenda"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL142

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#43 "Super Swimsuit Special, Tribute to Erick Wujcik"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL143

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#46 "Rifts - Dragons and Brodkil, Wormwood - The City of Worldgate, Heroes Unlimited - Modern Magic"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL146

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#47 "Cargo Cult Magic, Chaos Earth Scenario, Chain Letters Throughout the Megaverse"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL147

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#5 "TMNT Special"

#5 "TMNT Special"

By: Palladium

Product Line: Magic of Palladium Books, The

#54 "A Megaversal Menagerie, New Chillicothe, The Hammer of the Forge - Swan Song"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL154

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#56 "The Solar System, Time Travel, The Tainted Martyr"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL156

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#58 "Lemuria, Monsters & Faerie Folk, Free State of Lazlo"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL158

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#59 "The Pack Mentality, The Kezel, Creatures of the Xiticix"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL159

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#6 "Heroes Unlimited Robots, Nightbane, Rifts Russian Gods"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL106

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#6 "Robotech, Rifts, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

By: Palladium

Product Line: Magic of Palladium Books, The

#60 "Black Market, Sorcerer's Forge, Splicers"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL160

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#62 "Deathspike and the Vampire Lands, Dark Magic, Castle Sturmgard"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL162

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#64 "Dead Reign Survivors, Palladium Ice Dwellers"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL164

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#65 "Rifts Black Market, New O.C.C.s and Monsters, Rifts - 60 New Necromancy Spells"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL165

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#66 " Rifts Black Market Part Two, Space Pirates - Phase World, and Splicers Bestiary - Monsters & More"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL166

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#67 "Spies & Superbeings, After the Bomb, Mutant Bees"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL167

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#69 "Heroes Unlimited, Clean Part 1, Arenas of Atlantis"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL169

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#71/72 "Improvisation GM Tips, Rifts - Town of Semjaw, Rifts - Reaper Cell Story"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL172

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#74 "The Town of Moorcroft, I am Legion, A Town in the Pecos Empire"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL174

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#76 "Savage Worlds Preview, Pecos Badlands Town, Elemental Primorda"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL176

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#77 "Rifts - A Techno-Wizard City, Splicers - The Final Showdown with Legion, Heroes Unlimited"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL177

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#78 "The Modern Necromancer, City of Khemennu - Part 2, The Aftermath of I Am Legion"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL178

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#79 "The Kingdom of New Oslo, Stage Magician, Flashing Blades"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL179

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#8 "Vampires & Variant Necromancers, Werebeasts, Systems Failure"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL108

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#81 "Nebraska Part 2, Heroes Unlimited, Gnomes Expanded"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL181

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#82 "Bestiary Sneak Preview, Chaos Earth Nebraska Part 3, Physical Heroes Expanded"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL182

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#83 "Treasures of the Megaverse, Playing the Half Ogre, Hunter/Vigilante Expanded, Beyond the Supernatural Adventure"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL183

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#84 "Golems in the Myst, The Kingdom of Raf-Chalon, The Dark City of Cascade"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL184

Product Line: Rifter, The - #051 - #100

#9 "Nightbane & the Astral Plane, Rifts Bio-Borgs"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL109

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

#9 1/2 "April Fool's Day Special"

#9 1/2 "April Fool's Day Special"

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL95

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

1985 Catalog

1985 Catalog

By: Palladium

Product Line: Catalogs (Palladium)

Adepticon 2015 Promo Pack

Adepticon 2015 Promo Pack

By: Palladium

Product Line: Robotech RPG Tactics

2 figures

All That Glitters is Palladium

All That Glitters is Palladium

By: Yaruki Zero Games

Stock #: YZG-ATGP

Product Line: Catalogs (Palladium)

Best of Rifter '06

Best of Rifter '06

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL90

Product Line: Rifter, The - #01 - #50

Beyond the Supernatural (Deluxe 1st Edition)

By: Palladium

Product Line: Beyond the Supernatural

Character Sheet Pad

Character Sheet Pad

By: Palladium

Product Line: Rifts - Core Books, Source Books & Miscellaneous

Collected Mechanoid Invasion Trilogy, The (1998 Printing)

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL400-CE

Product Line: Mechanoids, The

Deception's Web

Deception's Web

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL302

Product Line: Rifts - Novels

Fall 1996

Fall 1996

By: Palladium

Product Line: Catalogs (Palladium)

Fall 1997

Fall 1997

By: Palladium

Product Line: Catalogs (Palladium)

Fall 2007

Fall 2007

By: Palladium

Product Line: Catalogs (Palladium)

Game Master's Screen, Magic & Psionics Screen and Adventure Book

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL824-GAM

Product Line: Rifts - Core Books, Source Books & Miscellaneous

Garden of the Gods (Raw Preview Edition)

By: Palladium

Product Line: Palladium Fantasy

Grell in Male Power Armor

Grell in Male Power Armor

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL56021

Product Line: Robotech RPG Tactics

Hammer of the Forge Volume 1 - The Cosmo-Knight

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL306

Product Line: Rifts - Novels

Heroes Unlimited (2nd Edition, Revised) (30th Anniversary Edition)

By: Palladium

Product Line: Heroes Unlimited

Heroes Unlimted/TMNT - Cover Art & Advertisement Poster

By: Palladium

Product Line: Palladium - Promo & Rare Items

Land of the South Winds (Raw Preview Edition)

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL477-RAW

Product Line: Rifts - Core Books, Source Books & Miscellaneous

Lazlo (Raw Preview Edition)

Lazlo (Raw Preview Edition)

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL882-RAW

Product Line: Rifts - World Books #31 - #45

Machinations of Doom (Gold Edition)

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL871HC

Product Line: Rifts - Core Books, Source Books & Miscellaneous

Macross Saga Sourcebook, The (Full Size)

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL551-13

Product Line: Robotech - The Shadow Chronicles RPG

Mechanoid Invasion Trilogy, The #1 - The Mechanoid Invasion

By: Palladium

Product Line: Mechanoids, The

Mechanoids Comic, The #1

Mechanoids Comic, The #1

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL4001

Product Line: Rifts - Core Books, Source Books & Miscellaneous

Mechanoids Comic, The #2

Mechanoids Comic, The #2

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL4002

Product Line: Rifts - Core Books, Source Books & Miscellaneous

Mechanoids Comic, The #3

Mechanoids Comic, The #3

By: Palladium

Stock #: PAL4003

Product Line: Rifts - Core Books, Source Books & Miscellaneous