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Pagan Publishing

Pagan Publishing was started in the fall of 1990 by John Tynes, then a sophomore at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Today, we have a staff of three people, all of whom work part-time on a volunteer basis in the wonderful city of Seattle, Washington. Our goal is to forge relationships between creative people and those interested in what they have to say. We believe that there are a lot of talented folks out there with something to say, and a lot of people willing to support those forms of expression. We see our role as mediators, uniting artist with audience in a two-way flow of ideas. In the end, we believe that everyone benefits: artists receive recognition and income, the audience receives new ideas and value for their money, and we take in rewards both concrete and insubstantial. It's a good life to be living.

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61-71 of 71 Products

Stark Raving Mad! - Ten Years of Call of Cthulhu (Limited Edition)

By: Pagan Publishing

Product Line: Call of Cthulhu (Pagan Publishing)

Tales of Terror (1st Printing)

Tales of Terror (1st Printing)

By: Steve Hatherley

Product Line: Call of Cthulhu (Pagan Publishing)

Tales of Terror (2nd Printing)

Tales of Terror (2nd Printing)

By: Pagan Publishing

Product Line: Call of Cthulhu (Pagan Publishing)

Target of Opportunity - Byakhee

Target of Opportunity - Byakhee

By: Arc Dream Publishing

Stock #: APU8100

Product Line: Delta Green - Targets of Opportunity - Marksmanship Targets

Target of Opportunity - Deep One

Target of Opportunity - Deep One

By: Arc Dream Publishing

Stock #: APU8101

Product Line: Delta Green - Targets of Opportunity - Marksmanship Targets

Target of Opportunity - Grey

Target of Opportunity - Grey

By: Arc Dream Publishing

Stock #: APU8102

Product Line: Delta Green - Targets of Opportunity - Marksmanship Targets

Target of Opportunity - Mi-Go

Target of Opportunity - Mi-Go

By: Arc Dream Publishing

Stock #: APU8103

Product Line: Delta Green - Targets of Opportunity - Marksmanship Targets

Target of Opportunity - Serpent Man

By: Arc Dream Publishing

Stock #: APU8104

Product Line: Delta Green - Targets of Opportunity - Marksmanship Targets

Target of Opportunity - Spawn of Yog-Sothoth

By: Arc Dream Publishing

Stock #: APU8105

Product Line: Delta Green - Targets of Opportunity - Marksmanship Targets

Walker in the Wastes - Player Aid Kit

By: Pagan Publishing

Product Line: Call of Cthulhu (Pagan Publishing)

Weapons Compendium, The

Weapons Compendium, The

By: Pagan Publishing

Product Line: Call of Cthulhu (Pagan Publishing)