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McCoy Publishing Enterprises

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Vol. 6, #7 "The Battle of Gettysburg, Modern Airborne Assault Techniques"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 6, #8 "Gaming With Modular Terrain, Gettysburg Pt. 2"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 6, #9 "Encounter at Checkpoint Chapkevskoy - Skirmish Wargame"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 6, #10 "Battle of Platteview, Development of US Airborne Forces Pt. 1"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 6, #11 "Modern Choppers, Ancient Rules - The Hypotenusian Campaign"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 6, #12 "US Glider Infantry Regiment, The German Luftwaffe"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #1 "US Civil War - Early's Valley Campaign, The Modern US Armored Battalion"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #2 "Sector Map Action, US Marine Rifle Battalion"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #3 "17th Century Pike & Muskets, Naval Maneuver and Formation in the Age of Steam"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #4 "The Eastern Front, Raising Carthaginian Armies"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #5 "Fighter Combat Wargaming, The Battle of Verneuil, The Battle of the Indus"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #6 "Civil War Cavalry, Prussian Foot Guards, WWI - North Africa"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #7 "Helicopters in Wargames, The Battle of Augsburg, Ancient & Medieval Rules"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #8 "Early WWII - The British Army, Battle of Aspern-Essling, The Invasion of Australia"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #9 "The Wargame of Bzevlad, The Battle of Cape Sable, The Battle Along the River Em"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #11 "Tanks & AT's in the Western Desert, US Civil War Cavalry"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 7, #12 "Arnhem, Naval Wargame Theory, The Bavarian Army"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #1 "US Air Cavalry Troops, Jutland 78, British Colonial Wars"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #2 "Game Theory - The Phases of the Wargame Turn"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #3 "Diary of the 56th Panzer Korps, The Battle of Dubrov, Marston Moor"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #4 "Development of the HMS Dreadnought, Tale of the Tiger I, Empire 3"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #5 "Rome Versus Carthage, The Battle of Drno - Napoleonic Wargame"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #6 "Rome Vs. Carthage, The Battle of Augsburg, Arab & Israeli Armor - The 1973 War"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #7 "WWII Japanese Tactics, The ECW, Napoleonic Wars"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #8 "Naval Wargaming Theory, Battle of the Crossroads, Armored Cavalry Operations in the Modern Period"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #9 "Nato - The Warsaw Pact, The Soviet Tank Brigade, The Battle of Warrenton"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #11 "German Armored Formations During WWII"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 8, #12 "The Trojan Wars, Modern Day Rifle Squad"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 05-8

Vol. 9, #1 "The Medlingberg River Crossing - A Napoleonic Wargame"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 9, #2 "The Attack of River Lines, British Armor at Drocourt 1944, Western Confederate Flags"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 9, #3 "The Delaware Infantry Regiments, Early Anti-Tank Rockets, The Breakout at Baranovehr"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 9, #4 "Battle for Solfernio, 7 Years War, Tactical Planning in Empire"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 9, #5 "Gazala - Rome's Greatest Triumph, The Second Punic Wars"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 9, #6 "WWII Artillery Adjustment, The British Army 1939"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 9, #7 "Panzer Warfare, The Grand Army - 1806"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 9, #9 "Fredrick the Great's Oblique Order of Battle, Tank Vs. Anti-Tank - WWII, Napoleon's Battle of the Central Position"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 10, #2 "The Anatomy of a Panzergruppe, Gettysburg in Miniature, The Roman Army in the Second Punic War"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 10, #4 "French & Italian Armor in WWII, Nato vs. The Warsaw Pact, The Battle of Mogilev"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 10, #5 "WWII Light Tank Tactics, The Battle of Chancellorsville"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 10, #6 "The German Panzer Division, The Battle of Poltava, Weaponry of the Bronze Age"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 10, #7 "The Battle of the Hochaltingen, D-Day, Operation Cobra, & Break Out"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 10, #10 "German Panzer Wedges, Warfare in the 1980's, Napoleon at Dresden & Leipzig"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 10, #11 "Helicopters in Wargaming, Austerlitz, US Civil War"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 10, #12 "The Russian T-34, The Battle of Vimeiro"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #1 "The Supreme Blitzkrieg, Air Assault Operations, The Desert War - British Tactical Errors"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #2 "General Manteuffel on Panzer Grenadier Tactics, The Soviet Army in Operation Barbarossa"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #3 "Grant's Campaign for Petersburg, Friedland - Napoleon's Forgotten Victory, The Gaza Strip"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #4 "Tank & Anti-Tank in the Desert War, The Battle of Bzevlad, Choppers"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #5 "The Armored Divisions of Barbarossa, The Battle of Allegheny Mountain, Organization and Conduct of the Advance Guard"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #6 "Napoleon's Marshals Against Wellington, Japanese Tactics in the Pacific Campaign"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #7 "The 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Finland - The Winter War of 1939, The Battle for Guadalcanal"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #8/9 "The Attack of River Lines, Arab-Israeli Armored Forces - The 1973 War, Napoleonic Field Formations - French & Allied"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #10 "Panzer Warfare, Vicksburg Surrenders, Airpower in the Blitzkrieg"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #11 "ACW Wargame - The Battle of Bardstown, The Sinai Front"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 11, #12 "Gun Penetration - The Sherman vs. The Panzers, The Sinai Front 1973, The Battle of Bardstown"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 12, #1 "Convoys to Malta, Action After Wagram, The Australian Armed Forces in WWII"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 12, #2 "The Bulge - Dec. 1944, HMS Dreadnought, Gazala - Rommel's Greatest Triumph"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 12, #3 "Waffen SS, Barbarossa, Hidden Moves in Wargaming"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 12, #4/5 "Combined Arms Team, U.S. Marine Corps Rifle Squad, The Early Imperial Roman Legion"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12

Vol. 12, #6/7 "The Art of Operational Planning, The Battle of Rossbach, Battles for Kiev Salient"

By: McCoy Publishing Enterprises

Product Line: Wargamer's Digest/Military Digest - Volumes 09-12