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MPI Media

For more than 30 years, The MPI Media Group has been a leading producer, distributor and licensor of movies, home entertainment, historical footage and more. They remain one of the largest, most successful, and fiercely independent entertainment companies in the world today. MPI’s wholly owned subsidiaries include MPI Home Entertainment, Dark Sky Films, and the WPA Film Library. The MPI Media Group operates from a 42,000 square foot headquarters in Orland Park, Illinois. Founded in 1976 by brothers Waleed and Malik Ali, the company quickly became one of the foremost American distributors of 16mm non-theatrical films and documentaries for schools, municipal organizations and universities. By the time home video exploded in the mid ‘80s, MPI had amassed a library of more than 15,000 hours of footage and a collection of titles that ranged from Sherlock Holmes to The Super Bowl Shuffle. In 1989, the Ali brothers Executive Produced the theatrical feature Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer, the provocative shocker that Roger Ebert hailed as “a superb docudrama of chilling horror” and Entertainment Weekly still calls “one of the greatest horror movies of all time.” In 2007, MPI garnered national headlines with the acquisition, restoration and theatrical re-release – and subsequent DVD release – of Becket starring Peter O’Toole and Richard Burton. The 12-time Oscar nominated 1964 classic was restored in conjunction with The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. MPI’s recent Collector’s Edition release of the 70mm visual masterpiece Baraka is on its way to becoming one of the top-selling High Definition DVDs in the industry’s history.