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Ludogix = word games, abstract games and retro-computing. Ludogix is a startup part-time game company for publishing games from the mind of Matthew Thredgold. Matty is a middle-aged Aussie bloke living in New Zealand, who thinks that playing and thinking about games exercises his mind-muscles in a way that keeps him young. Current projects: Kiitos the strategy word game. Ongoing projects on the backburner include: Harbour Bridges Sydney and Auckland Matty loves word games, abstract strategy games, Eurogames and old school computer games. He codes games for fun on a 1983 MSX machine and plays games on 8-bit and 16-bit computers and consoles.

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  • By: LudoGix
    Stock #: LDXKT01
    Year: 2020
    Product Line: Card Games (Ludogix)
    MSRP old price: $19.99
    SW (MINT/New)  new price: $17.95