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LPD Games

LPD Games is a small company with big goals. They want to present to you well crafted, playable and fun games on a variety of historical topics. Their first offerings are in a field of US military history they know well - the American Civil War. Principals Lawrence and Sue Duffield share a lifelong interest in US and American Indian history and teaching. Lawrence is also a Grognard of, at last count, over 40 years experience in Miniatures, Board and Role Playing Games. Beginning with Tactics II and Jack Scruby's miniatures, Lawrence has earned his Grognard status fairly (He almost completed a solitaire game of 1914 in his bunker in Viet Nam). Afterwards Lawrence taught learning enrichment to teens, ran a game store for over a decade and a game convention for nearly two, and competed ferociously in most forms of board and miniatures gaming. Pursuing avocations of gaming and history, Lawrence published historical miniatures rules covering eras from Marlborough through the Second World War. The Battles of the American Civil War game engine incorporates nearly thirty years of researched. This is his first foray into boardgame publishing. LPD Games ideal offering has a competitive, balanced scenario that plays in 2 to 4 hours, with simple mechanics that highlight the complex decisions needed in the historical situation. Elaborating on this basic structure, they add room for the more interesting alternate history possibilities surrounding the event. Every game has a magazine article length narrative to inform the players of important aspects of the strategic situation and outline how the battle actually "played out". If they've awakened your interest in the topic enough, there's a working bibliography of our sources to move your own learning forward. Their primary focus is on fun military history games for adults. They also design simpler, faster historical simulations to supplement classroom or home school instruction modules for pre- and early teens. These include handout materials and leaders guides, and are paced for 40 minute instruction units. Their Classrooms series is still in the Design stage. Watch their Future Games listings for availability.