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Histoire & Collections

Games & Products by Histoire & Collections

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181-240 of 419 Products

#36 "Objectif Messine (Messina Objective)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#37 "La Campagne De Pologne (The Polish Campaign)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

(includes English rules, uncut)

#38 "Koursk - L'Offensive Allemande (Kursk - The German Offensive)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(game loose, includes English rules, uncut)

#39 "La Bataille Des Ardennes (The Battle of the Ardennes)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#4 "Guderian Perce A Sedan (Guderian Breaks Through At Sedan)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#4 "Jouez 1914-1918, Secession, Western"

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAH004

Product Line: Vae Victis Quarterlies (Hors-Serie, French)

MSRP $10.95

#4 "Les Seigneur des Anneaux, Startship Troopers, Mechwarrior 4"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Ravage Magazine (French Edition)

#4 "Lo Folie Plastique, Normandy 1944, Dark Ages"

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAT004

Product Line: Vae Victis Thematiques (French)

(includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#40 "Varsovie Et La Sarre (Warsaw and the Sarre)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#40 w/Typhoon Over the Pacific

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE040

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #01 - #50 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#41 "Debarquer A Salerne (Landing At Salerno)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#42 "Le Siege De Bastogne (The Siege of Bastogne)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#43 "La Premiere Bataille De Cassino (The First Battle of Cassino)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(includes English rules, uncut)

#44 "La Bataille De Koursk 3 (The Battle of Kursk 3)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

#45 "Le Debarquement A Anzio - Operation Shingle (The Landing at Anzio - Operation Shingle)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#45 w/Muret 1213, Bouvines 1214, Lac Peipous 1242 & Benevento 1266

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #01 - #50 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules, uncut)

#46 "La Poche De Falaise (The Falaise Pocket)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(includes English rules, uncut)

#47 "La Bataille De Koursk 4 (The Battle of Kursk 4)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#47 w/The Campaigns of Poland - Eylau, Friedland 1807

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE047

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #01 - #50 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#48 "Victoire A Cassino (Victory At Cassino)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95


#49 "Norvege 1940 (Norway 1940)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#49 w/Rather Dead than Persian

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE049

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #01 - #50 (Histoire & Collections, French)

MSRP $14.00

(counters home-mounted, includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#5 "Agincourt, Back of Beyond, France 40"

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAH005

Product Line: Vae Victis Quarterlies (Hors-Serie, French)

MSRP $10.95

#5 "Operation Barbarossa (Operation Barbarossa)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#5 "Salons, Mordheim, Demonworld"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Ravage Magazine (French Edition)

#50 "De L'irak A La Syrie 1941 (From Iraq to Syria 1941)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#51 "Prendre Sebastopol! (Taking Sebastopol!)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95


#52 "Les Blindes Allies (Allied Armor)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#52 w/The Campaigns of France, 1814

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE052

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules, uncut)

#53 "Les Blindes Allemands (German Armor)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#55 "Les Allies Franchissent La Seine (The Allies Cross the Seine)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#56 "1944, La Prise De Rome (1944, The Capture of Rome)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#57 "Omaha La Sanglante (Bloody Omaha)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(includes English rules, uncut)

#58 "La Bataille De Caen (The Battle of Caen)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(game loose but present, uncut, includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#59 "Combats Sur La Ligne Maginot (Fighting on the Maginot Line)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(counters home-mounted, includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#6 "Bir-Hakeim (Bir Hakeim)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#6 "Ronin, Sous Le Soleil, Warhammer 40K"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Ravage Magazine (French Edition)

#60 "La Bataille D'Aix-La-Chapelle (The Battle of Aachen)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#62 "D'Avranches A Falaise (From Avranches to Falaise)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#62 w/Battles of the Reconquista - Las Navas de Tolosa 1212

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE062

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(48 counters home-mounted, includes English rules)

#63 "Guerre En Allegmagne (War in Germany)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#64 "Les Derniers Combats De 1940 (The Last Fights of 1940)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#64 w/Austerlitz 1805 (North)

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE064

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#65 "L'ete Des Anglo-Canadiens (Summer of the Anglo-Canadians)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#67 "Ete 1943, Apres Koursk (Summer 1943, After Kursk)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#67 "Fire in the Sky, Magister Militum, Paradox Diplomacy"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/o Games (French)

(magazine only!)