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Histoire & Collections

Games & Products by Histoire & Collections

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181-240 of 419 Products

#5 "Salons, Mordheim, Demonworld"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Ravage Magazine (French Edition)

#50 "De L'irak A La Syrie 1941 (From Iraq to Syria 1941)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#51 "Prendre Sebastopol! (Taking Sebastopol!)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95


#52 "Les Blindes Allies (Allied Armor)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#52 w/The Campaigns of France, 1814

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE052

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules, uncut)

#53 "Les Blindes Allemands (German Armor)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#55 "Les Allies Franchissent La Seine (The Allies Cross the Seine)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#56 "1944, La Prise De Rome (1944, The Capture of Rome)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#57 "Omaha La Sanglante (Bloody Omaha)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#58 "La Bataille De Caen (The Battle of Caen)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(game loose but present, uncut, includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#59 "Combats Sur La Ligne Maginot (Fighting on the Maginot Line)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(counters home-mounted, includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#6 "Bir-Hakeim (Bir Hakeim)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#6 "Ronin, Sous Le Soleil, Warhammer 40K"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Ravage Magazine (French Edition)

#60 "La Bataille D'Aix-La-Chapelle (The Battle of Aachen)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#62 "D'Avranches A Falaise (From Avranches to Falaise)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#62 w/Battles of the Reconquista - Las Navas de Tolosa 1212

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE062

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(48 counters home-mounted, includes English rules)

#63 "Guerre En Allegmagne (War in Germany)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#64 "Les Derniers Combats De 1940 (The Last Fights of 1940)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#64 w/Austerlitz 1805 (North)

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE064

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#65 "L'ete Des Anglo-Canadiens (Summer of the Anglo-Canadians)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#67 "Ete 1943, Apres Koursk (Summer 1943, After Kursk)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#67 "Fire in the Sky, Magister Militum, Paradox Diplomacy"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/o Games (French)

(magazine only!)

#67 w/Optimus Princeps - The Wars of Daciques

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE067

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)


#68 "Les Commandos Britanniques (British Commandos)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#7 "Jouez 2E GM, Bagration 1944, Age of Arthur"

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAH007

Product Line: Vae Victis Quarterlies (Hors-Serie, French)

MSRP $10.95

#7 "Rhin Et Danube (Rhine and Danube)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#7 "Ronin, Krash, WH Battle"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Ravage Magazine (French Edition)

(uncut, includes English rules)

#70 w/Tonkin - The War of Indochina 1950-1954

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE070

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules, uncut)
(game loose but present, includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#73 w/Reichshoffen 1870 & Magenta 1859

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE073

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)


#74 w/The Last of the Romans - The Fall of Rome

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAE074

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#75 w/The Battle of D'Orel & Invincible Armada

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #051 - #100 (Histoire & Collections, French)

(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#8 "Blitzkrieg A L'Ouest (Blitzkrieg In The West)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#8 "BORGS, Sujet 452, Le Seigneur des Anneaux"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Ravage Magazine (French Edition)

#8 "Jouez 2E GM, The Nouses of Brunswick, One For All"

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAH008

Product Line: Vae Victis Quarterlies (Hors-Serie, French)

MSRP $10.95

Recent Arrival

#86 w/Ireland 1798

  $25.00 to $30.00
(includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)
(includes English rules, uncut)

#9 "A Voile Et A Vapeur, Ha-Shin, Les Armees de Vacillus"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Ravage Magazine (French Edition)

#9 "Bataille Pour Moscou (Battle For Moscow)"

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Armes Militaria Magazine Off-Series

MSRP $10.95

#9 "Prohibition, Siege & Conquest, Age of War"

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VAH009

Product Line: Vae Victis Quarterlies (Hors-Serie, French)

MSRP $10.95

Recent Arrival

#94 w/Cedar Creek 1864

  $20.00 to $22.00
(includes English rules)
(includes English rules, uncut)

Armor in Normandy - The Americans

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Historical Books - English (Histoire & Collections)

Armor in Normandy - The British

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Historical Books - English (Histoire & Collections)

Aspern-Essling 1809 (English Edition)

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: VJA012S

Product Line: War Games (Histoire & Collections)

Bellum Gallicum II - Caesar's Campaigns in Gaul (Bilingual French & English Edition)

By: Histoire & Collections

Stock #: GTMVJF018

Product Line: War Games (Histoire & Collections)


Borodino, The Moskova - The Battle for the Redoubts

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Historical Books - English (Histoire & Collections)

Dictionary of the Cuirassier, A - Officers of the First Empire

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Historical Books - French (Histoire & Collections)

Fontenoy - France Dominating Europe

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Historical Books - French (Histoire & Collections)

Fontenoy A Waterloo, De (French Edition)

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Historical Books - French (Histoire & Collections)

Guides & Guards of Commanding Generals and Headquarters 1792-1815

By: Histoire & Collections

Product Line: Historical Books - French (Histoire & Collections)