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All Product Lines from Grosset & Dunlap

Grosset & Dunlap publishes over 200 titles a year and creates high-quality books at affordable prices. Focused on ages 0-12, this imprint offers a collection of original paperback series, leveled readers, nonfiction, brands, and licenses to captivate even the most reluctant of readers. George T. Grosset and Alexander Dunlap founded the imprint in 1898 as a way of extending books to the masses. Success came early with the publication of silent film tie-in books, though their transition to juvenile paperbacks made Grosset a household name. Classic series such as Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys solidified the imprint’s school and library presence, and the legacy continues with their current crop of original series. Additionally, the imprint works to expand the world of in-house brands like The Little Engine That Could, The World of Eric Carle, Skippyjon Jones, Ladybug Girl, Llama Llama, and more.