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All Clearance Products from Gigantoskop

Some things are so mind-bogglingly huge, fantastic and spectacular that you can’t get them into your head. That’s why you need a Gigantoskop! A Gigantoskop is a legendary instrument helping you to see big things on a small scale. It’s also the name of a Swedish game design company – ours! In Central Europe, challenging and fun games for adults are commonplace. In Sweden they tend to be either party drinking games or very civil; for example, Trivial Pursuit or Pictionary. We want to change that. Gigantoskop will produce games for young and adult alike, games that are fun, easy to learn yet complex and challenging. Gigantoskop was founded in 2002 by a dozen Swedish gamers and amateur game designers with too much spare time on their hands. The goal set up by the members was to design and release one or two games a year the following years. It was soon evident that the only thing keeping Gigantoskop from releasing more games than that was time as all members work full-time in other fields.

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By: Gigantoskop

Stock #: GIG030    Year: 2005

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Board Games (Gigantoskop)


By: Gigantoskop

Year: 2004

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Board Games (Gigantoskop)