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Elf Lair Games

Elf Lair Games is an "upstart" publisher of unique games. Their flagship product is Spellcraft & Swordplay and they have a number of other game products--role playing and "do-it-yourself" board games--in development. They are in some ways tied to the "old school" movement, but they like to think that their product has a much broader appeal, combining modern design philosophy with old-school sensibility. Jason Vey, President and owner, has been freelancing in the RPG industry for over ten years, and has authored for such notable companies as Palladium Books, Misfit Studios, Eden Studios, and Troll Lord Games. Their experience and love for a more open, free style of gaming makes them uniquely qualified to be a leader in what they have termed "The New Class of Old School!"

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Monstrous Mayhem

Witch, The

Witch, The (reprint)