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Dragon Roots Magazine

Dragon Roots is a magazine for gamers by gamers. Gamers just like you write every article written in the magazine. They are bringing back the glory days of role-playing by focusing on content, usable articles, and options. They are crafting a magazine that you can look forward to reading each month. Oops, I mean every three months. For the first year, Dragon Roots will be a quarterly magazine. While they have enough information and ideas for many issues,they need time to write and flesh it all out. It is there hope that the gamers of the world will see this magazine as a prime source of content and aid them in the future of the magazine. With a bit of planning and luck, they hope to go into a bi-monthly printing cycle for year two and plan on breaking into the monthly market at the beginning of year three. With a little luck, they hope that Dragon Roots will catch on. At Dragon Roots, they are trying to focus on content. They want you to open the magazine and read it from cover to cover. They feel that if you can't make use of an article that they print, then they have failed in there job.

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#0 "What's Your Story, Be Thee for Law or Chaos, Working Your Way Up to First Level"

By: Dragon Roots Magazine

Product Line: Dragon Roots Magazine

#1 "The Tomb Raider, In Memory of Gary Gygax, Races & Paragons of The Middle World

By: Dragon Roots Magazine

Product Line: Dragon Roots Magazine

#2 "GURPS Mystery Preview, The Necromancer, Grim-n-Gritty Variant Rules"

By: Dragon Roots Magazine

Product Line: Dragon Roots Magazine

#3 "Robillard's Tale, Balmorphos, Suicide Sorcerer"

By: Dragon Roots Magazine

Product Line: Dragon Roots Magazine

Missing Pieces Volume #1

Missing Pieces Volume #1

By: Dragon Roots Magazine

Product Line: Missing Pieces