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Dark Sword Miniatures

Dark Sword Miniatures Inc. was founded with the single purpose of creating extremely detailed fantasy miniatures for both miniature collectors and gamers alike. Our pewter miniatures are in the newer 28mm to 30mm scale which has become the industry standard. In addition, we think you will be VERY pleased with the subject matter of our fantasy miniature lines, which will be based on the artwork of Larry Elmore , Keith Parkinson , Clyde Caldwell & Jeff Easley.. All four artists have been gaming industry icons for the past 20 years now and their artwork needs no introduction. Plus, they are just dang cool dudes to hang out with! Oh, did we forget to mention that Tom Meier, Dennis Mize & Dave Summers are sculpting these new fantasy miniature lines? These three cats are tough to top when it comes to sculpting amazing miniatures that have all sorts of detail just lavished all over them.