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DaGOOM was founded in January 2001 by creative newcomers to the industry, T.J. MacKey and his wife Amy MacKey. In 1998, Tom and Amy found out they were going to be parents for the first time. Shortly thereafter, Tom decided that he was going to build a set of blocks that was better than anything out there. Their first goal was to create a new building block system that would allow young children to build complex structures in a simple manner that would teach fundamental building techniques. As this project was developing, a question arose, "How could a young child play a game on the floor with this new building system without a game-board?" Also another question presented was, "How could it be made so that it was simple to use?" The concept of the board, in the piece, was born. It then quickly developed into what is now known as the patent(s)-pending BATTLEMETER, STAT-TRACKER sub-base system and the 3D-template system. Being just your average kind of people, with real life issues and family emergencies, to deal with, it has taken a lot of hard work, savings and time to get to this point. DaGOOM, INC. continues to develop new and exciting products and has several underway. Look for the upcoming releases and other add-ons and accessories. We will be offering a new concept in gaming rules that should make for more challenging and realistic play.