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All Clearance Products from Crucifiction Games

We here at Crucifiction Games are straight-up believers in the power of God and Jesus Christ. We also LOVE to role-play - in fact, we love it so much, we don't think it's a coincidence. We feel God called us to make games, and we're not afraid to admit it. You don't have to be a Christian to play them, we just wanted to let you know. Some turn a blind eye to the Book when it talks about demons, possession, evil spirits, sorcery and such. We get all goose pimply and start reaching for holy water, crosses and a good sharp stick.

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Horror Rules

By: Crucifiction Games

Stock #: CRF2001

Product Line: Horror Rules

MSRP $17.99

Script Crypt Volume #1 - Psychos and Sickos

By: Crucifiction Games

Stock #: CRF2003

Product Line: Horror Rules

MSRP $17.99