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Chipco is a game company in Northern California dedicated to bringing the gamer high quality, high value rule sets, army packs, and other associated products. Chipco products are developed with the following goals in mind: Our games should provide the gamer with a great value. Our games should be playable in around two hours. Our games should be playable on a typical kitchen table. Our games should use a minimum of dice and other associated paraphernalia that detract from the visual appeal of the gaming table top. As much as possible, armies from our historical games should be readily useable in our fantasy games. Our games should encourage interactive play and a minimum of "rules lawyering." Our historical games should capture the feel of the period they concern.

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1-12 of 12 Products

Age of Gunpowder, The

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHAOG03

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Miniature War Game Rules (Chipco)

Chipco Expansion Pack #1

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHNAP02-0695    Year: 1995

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Miniature War Game Rules (Chipco)

Chrysanthemum Throne

By: Chipco

Year: 2002

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Miniature War Game Rules (Chipco)

Days of Knights

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHDOK08-0995    Year: 1997

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Miniature War Game Rules (Chipco)

Fantasy Elf Army

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHPARM66

Type: Minis Box Set

Product Line: Fantasy Rules! Army Packs

Fantasy Evil Army

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHPARM61

Type: Minis Box Set

Product Line: Fantasy Rules! Army Packs

21 figures

Fantasy Hill Dwarf Army

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHPARM60

Type: Minis Box Set

Product Line: Fantasy Rules! Army Packs

20 figures

Fantasy Lizardman Army

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHPARM65

Type: Minis Box Set

Product Line: Fantasy Rules! Army Packs

22 figures

Fantasy Rules! (1st Edition)

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHFR04    Year: 1996

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Fantasy Rules! Army Packs

Fantasy Rules! (2nd Edition)

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHFR209    Year: 1998

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Fantasy Rules! Army Packs

Fantasy Rules! Expansion Pack

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHFRE07

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Fantasy Rules! Army Packs

Le Petit Empereur

By: Chipco

Stock #: CHNAP1-0895

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Miniature War Game Rules (Chipco)