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Chaosium, (Kay-Oss-Eum) is known for publishing high quality books & games, and for having a well-developed sense of fun. In 1975 the company was founded as The Chaosium by Greg Stafford. It was later incorporated as Chaosium Inc. Chaosium thrives in the mild climate, gorgeous surroundings, and gentle earthquakes of the San Francisco Bay area. Most of Chaosium's product lines are based upon literary sources. H.P. Lovecraft's 1920's horror fiction provides the basis of the classic Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game line which has won so many awards that the we have lost count, though we do know that there are more than 70 of them. Mr. Lovecraft also provides the inspiration for our many Call of Cthulhu Fiction collections. Michael Moorcock's popular Eternal Champion Swords & Sorcery novels form the foundation of the Stormbringer roleplaying game. Both Call of Cthulhu and Stormbringer use our Basic Roleplaying system which is alive and well despite many, many years of fun and insanity.