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BaneLegions are a range of highly detailed resin 30mm scale miniatures. BaneLords are character miniatures and BaneBeasts are massive monsters!

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541-581 of 581 Products

Warriors of Baalor - Infantry Starter Host

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMFMR-BLR-200-H

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Fomoraic, Baalor (32mm)

14 figures

Warriors of Dyngonwy - Rhyfelwr Unit (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMBRY-GWY-2200-110

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Brythoniaid, Gwynedd (32mm)

10 figures

Warriors of Dyngonwy - Rhyfelwr Unit w/Command (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMBRY-GWY-2200-010

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Brythoniaid, Gwynedd (32mm)

10 figures

Warriors of Khthon - Gorgonar Unit

Warriors of Khthon - Gorgonar Unit

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMKTH-GOR-3100

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Blood of the Khthones, Gorgon, Krokod, Liska, Savra, & Yrdon (32mm)

5 figures

Widmund - Duguth Warrior

Widmund - Duguth Warrior

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-2104

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

4 pcs.

Wigstan - Gesith Warrior

Wigstan - Gesith Warrior

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-2005

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

6 pcs.

Wolfborn - Gesith Unit w/Command

Wolfborn - Gesith Unit w/Command

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-2000-005

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

5 figures

Wolfborn of Tamtun - Gesith Unit (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-2000-110

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

10 figures

Wolfborn of Tamtun - Gesith Unit w/Command (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-2000-010

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

10 figures

Wrad - Oghurithne Hunter Warrior

Wrad - Oghurithne Hunter Warrior

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMABN-FTU-3253

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm)

7 pcs.

Wrecked 7TP-dw

Wrecked 7TP-jw

Wrecked Char B1 Bis

Wrecked Char B1 Bis

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-FRA-BOF-4303

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Battle of France 1940 - France (1/100)

Wrecked Cruiser Mk III

Wrecked Cruiser Mk III

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-GBR-BOF-4222

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Battle of France 1940 - Britain (1/100)

Wrecked Light Tank Mk VI

Wrecked Light Tank Mk VI

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-GBR-BOF-4105

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Battle of France 1940 - Britain (1/100)

Wrecked Matilda I

Wrecked Matilda II

Wrecked Matilda II

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-GBR-BOF-4311

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Battle of France 1940 - Britain (1/100)

Wrecked Panzer 35(t)

Wrecked Panzer 35(t)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-DEU-BOF-4105

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Battle of France 1940 - Germany (1/100)

Wrecked Panzer 38(t)

Wrecked Panzer 38(t)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-DEU-IOP-4106

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Invasion of Poland 1939 - Germany (1/100)

Wrecked Panzer IV D

Wrecked Panzer IV D

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-DEU-BOF-4202

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Battle of France 1940 - Germany (1/100)

Wrecked Renault FT-17

Wrecked Renault FT-17

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-FRA-BOF-4100

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Battle of France 1940 - France (1/100)

Wrecked Renault UE Chenillette

Wrecked Renault UE Chenillette

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-FRA-BOF-3750

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Battle of France 1940 - France (1/100)

2 pcs.

Wrecked SdKfz 10

Wrecked Somua S35

Wrecked TKS Tankette

Wrecked TKS Tankette

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: OMA-POL-IOP-4000

Product Line: Templar's Forge - WWII Objective Markers - Invasion of Poland 1939 - Poland (1/100)

Wrecked Trucks

Wulfhere - Fane Bearer of Mierce (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-1131-M

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

2 pcs.

Wulfhere - Fanebearer of Mierce (Resin)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-1131-R

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

2 pcs.

Wulfred - Gesith Fane Bearer

Wulfred - Gesith Fane Bearer

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-2102-15

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

6 pcs.

Wulfric of Tamtun - Great Waelwulf

Wulfric of Tamtun - Great Waelwulf

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-3501

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

Wulfric's Pack - Waelwulf Unit (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-3500-M

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

5 figures

Wulfric's Pack - Waelwulf Unit (Resin)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMANG-MRC-3500-R

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Angelcynn, Mierce (32mm)

5 figures

Xontor - Gorgon of Khthon

Xontor - Gorgon of Khthon

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMKTH-GOR-0011

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Blood of the Khthones, Gorgon, Krokod, Liska, Savra, & Yrdon (32mm)

9 pcs.

Ygandr - Hydra of Ydron

Ygerna - Sword-Melusine

Ygerna - Sword-Melusine

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMYSN-KYS-2505

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Ysians, Ker-Ys (32mm)

2 pcs.

Yrag - Nithing

Yrag - Nithing

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMYSN-KYS-1185

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Ysians, Ker-Ys (32mm)

2 pcs.

Yrag's Mound - Flesh-Pile

Yrag's Mound - Flesh-Pile

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMYSN-KYS-1188

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Ysians, Ker-Ys (32mm)

3 pcs.

Ysian Great Club Brute - Monstrous Infantry Starter Host

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMYSN-KYS-351-H

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Ysians, Ker-Ys (32mm)

7 figures

Zethag of Carn Dhu - Harvest-Drune (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMYSN-KYS-1166-M

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Ysians, Ker-Ys (32mm)

3 pcs.

Zethag of Carn Dhu - Harvest-Drune (Resin)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMYSN-KYS-1166-R

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Ysians, Ker-Ys (32mm)

3 pcs.

Zhul - Ragefiend of Dis

Zhul - Ragefiend of Dis

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMINF-DIS-8901

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Circles of Infernus, Dis (32mm)